Wednesday 8 June 2016

The Almighty the same yesterday, today & tomorrow

Elohim (Our Almighty Creator) does not change! He was the same in the past, He is the same today and He will be the same in the future!  Our Almighty Creator does not lie!
In Malachi 3:6, for I am Yahuah (Yahweh), I shall not change........ The redemption of Israel in the end times is not due to Israel's goodness, but because of Yahuah's faithfulness in His promise to Abraham.

In James (Jacob) 1:17, every good and perfect gift is from Father in Heaven, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning.
In Ecclesiastes 3:14, Solomon says; I know that whatever Heavenly Father Yahuah does is forever. There is no adding to it and there is no taking away from it.

Hebrew 13:8, Messiah is the same yesterday, and today and forever.
Deuteronomy 6:4, Hear, O Israel, Yahuah (Yahweh) our Elohim is Yahuah is one (echad).

We read in John 10:30 Messiah saying; I and My Father are One.
This means Father and Son are united, but the neuter form of the word rules out the meaning that They can be one person or being. They are two beings but One in Spirit and each have totally surrendered their wills to each other in love, goal and purpose. Although They both existed for eternity the Father is greater in judicial order and authority (John 14:28). The proof of this is right now in heaven there are 2 thrones one that the Father is sitting on and one to the right of the Father that the Son is sitting on. (Psalm 110:1, 1 Peter 3:22, Romans 8:34, Acts 2:33, Acts 7:55-56, Hebrews 1:3, 8:1, 10:10-13)

John 17:11  Messiah is saying to Father to guard them (disciples) in Your Name which You have given Me, so that they might be one, as We are one, and in John 17:21-23 And the esteem which You (Father) gave Me I have given them, so that they might be one as We are one, I in them and You in Me, so that they might be perfected into one, so that the world knows that You have sent Me and loved them as You have loved Me.  

These verses are telling us that Father and Messiah are alike and the disciples have been taught by Messiah to be like Them.
John 10:33, The Jews answered Him, saying, We do not stone You concerning a good work, but concerning blasphemy; and because You, being a son of man, make Yourself Elohim.

Yahusha Messiah clearly proclaimed that He was Elohim and preexisted, read John 8:56, Your father Abraham leaped for joy that he should see My day, and he saw, and rejoiced.
In all these verses, Father the Creator + His son Messiah are stating that they are ONE, meaning They think alike, talk alike, do things alike and share the same things. In these verses he also mentions that both Father and Son do not change. Messiah says that He is the same yesterday, today and in the future and we all know that the Messiah was there from the beginning, as said in John 1. When I read these verses, I understand that whatever Our Creator said in the beginning, (the promises He made yesterday), still apply today. Those promises are renewed, made better; they are not removed /replaced. Murder in Moses time was wrong, today it cannot be acceptable, it is still wrong and will be wrong in the future, our Creator does not change, full stop! Did He send His only son to come change that which He said yesterday?

Yesterday the commands were (law) but no favor (grace as we know it) and now His son has come to remove the commands and replace it with grace only. I have been studying the scriptures with the guidance of the Spirit for the last 5 years and cannot find this in scripture. When I read the Old Testament I find many places were Father showed grace to people, like wise, I read in many places in the New Testament that we must obey the commands because if we do not, we do not love our Messiah, as stated in 1 John 5:2-3. Please pray for guidance.
2 Peter 3:7 & Hebrews 8:10, The Torah or instruction of Yahuah stays the same in any covenant; it never changed in any biblical covenant.

Praise Yah for not changing

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