Thursday 27 April 2017

Leaven in our life

Have we removed leaven (sin) from our house (from ourselves)? 

What is the true meaning to the feast of Unleavened Bread for us today?

Are we just going through the motions of not having leaven in our house or do we see the bigger picture of what it means to remove leaven (sin) from our house. 

How does Abba Father want to see it done: us doing it by our lips or doing it by our heart! 

Many times when I have sinned, all I did was to say "Please forgive me Father!" Was this done from my heart or just by my lips? Is this true repentance or a false (going through a motion) repentance! Did I really deep inside my heart want to turn away from this sin? 

The Bible gives us two very good examples of true and false repentance! One from the true heart and one from false lips! 

King Saul and King David both knew and loved Yahuah (Heavenly Father).

But both had different hearts for Yahuah!

When King Saul repented of his sin, it was done by his lips and not from his heart! Why? It was because King Saul had pride, boastness and an uncircumcised heart (I am King and nobody is better then me. I know everything).

King Saul repented but he did not mean it! 

When King David repented of his sin; it was done from the inner being of his heart. He fell on the floor and cried for days asking Abba Father forgiveness, praying and pleading that Yah not take His Spirit (Ruach/Holy Spirit) away from him (Read Psalm 51).

King David repented in humbleness and meekness! 

Please read both books of Samuel to understand the history of King Saul and King David. 

Let us ask as King David asked Yah: Search me, O El, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; (Psalm 139:23). 

Psalm 51:10-12, create in me a clean heart, O Elohim, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Set-apart Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your deliverance, and uphold me, Noble Spirit!

Psalm 86:11, Teach me Your way, O Yah; let me walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your Name. 

Psalm 25:4-5, show me Your ways, O Yah; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the Elohim of my deliverance; on You I wait all the day. 

Psalm 19:14, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing before You, O Yah, my Rock and my Redeemer.


Messiah Yahusha, my Rock and my Redeemer

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Come out of her

Flee from the midst of Babel (Babylon), come out of the land of the Kasdim - Jeremiah 50:8.

Flee from the midst of Babel, and let each one save his life! Do not be cut off in her crookedness, for this is the time of the vengeance of Yahuah (Heavenly Father) the recompense He is repaying her.

Babel was a golden cup in the hand of Yahuah, making drunk all the earth. The nations drank her wine that is why the nations went mad. Babel shall suddenly fall and be broken - Jeremiah 51:6-8. 

Come out of her midst, My people! And let everyone deliver his being from the burning displeasure of Yahuah. Therefore see, the days are coming that I shall bring punishment on the carved images of Babel, and all her land shall be put to shame, and all her slain fall in her midst - Jeremiah 51:45 & 47. 

And I heard another voice from the heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. Because her sins have piled up to reach the heaven, and Elohim has remembered her unrighteousness - Revelation 18:4-5.  

Many (1000) years ago Babylon attacked the land of Israel and captured and drove the Israelites out of the land. Heavenly Father allowed this to happen due to Israel's sins, as He warned them by means of His prophets that He would scatter them out of the Promised Land and they would be ruled by Babylon 

But Father told Israel that even though they were in Babylon they should not be part of them, (their way of worshiping idols) for this reason He said His people must "come out of her".  Father is still saying this today, we must come out of her because we will share in her sins and her destruction.

Do not be part, or take part in the Babylonian system as this will separate you from Heavenly Father.

Babylon was never completely destroyed! Babylon today is alive and strong and many people are caught up in her web.

The Babylonian system is used by satan to deceive people! Even those who call themselves, followers of Yahuah!

The last book in scripture; Revelation, tells us what will happen to Babylon and how she will be destroyed at the end - Revelation 18.  

Revelation 18:2, and he (Angel from heaven) cried with a mighty voice, saying, "Babel the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit....... Verse 3, because all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her whoring...... Verse 4, the Angel from heaven says that true believers must "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and least you receive of her plaques.  

The worldly governments including systems attached to them are part of Babylon, most religious systems are a mixture of Babylon and the Kingdom of Heavenly Father, but you cannot worship Father/Messiah together with the Babylon system, it's the Kingdom way or the Babylon way, their is not an in-between way. 

Revelation 20:12-15, at the end the Book of Life will be opened and the dead will be judged, according to their works. If anyone is not found written in the Book of Life, he will be thrown into the lake of fire.

You may say it is impossible to come out of Babylon, but Father/Messiah says it can be done when you turn back to Him. 

The Overcomer's future; And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Beginning and the End. To the one who thirsts I shall give of the fountain of the water of life without payment. "The one who overcomes shall inherit all this, and I shall be his Elohim and he shall be My son (daughter).

The evil ones future: Their part is in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death - Revelation 21:7-8.

"And see, I am coming speedily, and My reward is with Me, to give to each according to his work - Revelation 22:12.

Messiah wants to give you His reward.

Please come out of her!

Thursday 13 April 2017

Hear Messiah's Word

"But why do you call Me 'Master, Master,' and do not do what I say? - Luke 6:46.

How many call Him, 'Messiah, Messiah,' (Jesus, Jesus) and say they accept Him but when it comes to obeying Him or to do His Word then very few are prepared to follow Him.  

Many confess Him with their lips but there is no obedience. 

Matthew 7:24-28, Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does them, shall be like a wise man who built his house on the rock, ........

Why is it easy to say you know Him, but difficult to obey Him?  

In Luke 8:21, Messiah says that His mother and brothers are hearing the Word of Elohim and DOING it. 

How can we confess Him without obeying Him!  Hear what Messiah got to say in John 3:36, He who believes in the Son (Messiah) possesses everlasting life, but he who does NOT OBEY THE SON shall not see life, but the wrath of Elohim remains on him. 

It is clear in these verses that you cannot just confess that you know Him, you must obey Him, live Him, die to yourself, and let Him be in control of your life.

James 2:17-24, so also belief, if it does not have works, is in itself dead. Verse 18, need belief with works (read the complete verse). Verse 20, O foolish man, that the belief without the works is dead? Abraham had belief with works when he offered Isaac his son. Do you see that the belief was working with his works, and by the works the belief was perfected - verse 21-22. Abraham believed Elohim, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness. You see, then, that a man is declared right by works, and not by belief alone - verse 24. 

You cannot just say a little pray to Yahuah and think your salvation is secured, you need to live and obey Him daily to show that you love Him. 

1 John 5:2-3, if you love Elohim (Almighty God), then you will obey His commands. 

It is not me saying this, read it in His Word, it is all there to be read.

Yah, may we do what we hear!

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Passover Restoration

The Hebrew word Pesach is taken from a word that means: to pass over, or hover over. 

This word teaches us that when we are covered by the Blood of Yahusha our Messiah, the angel of the second death will "pass over" us Rev.2:11;20:6;. 

It tells us that the Holy One will Hover and protect us from evil; He wil cause it to skip over our Blood-covered houses Deut.32:11; Ezek.10:19;11:22. 

Passover teaches us that there is no atonement for sin apart from the shedding of Blood Hebrew.9:22. 

Imagine yourself as a little child who runs into the Holy place and climbs onto your Fathers lap.
You lay your head on His chest and quietly listen to the beat of His Heart.

This Heartbeat is like that of the father of the prodigal, who longed for the return of his lost son and for the reunion of his whole house - both his sons.

This is the desire of our Heavenly Father. The Pesach foretells this reunion. 

Lamb of Elohim 

At sunset & start of the 14th day of Nisan was the night when Yahusha Messiah (Jesus) washed the apostles feet (John 13:1-17) and the breaking of bread + drinking of wine of the last supper (Matthew 26:26-29) Yahusha had with the apostles. 

This I believe was the Passover meal.  

After supper Messiah and His apostles went over to the Mount of Olives (Matthew 26:30-46) where He prayed that this cup He was about to bear might pass from Him.

He was arrested this night and brought before the Sanhedrin and found guilty of blasphemy (Matthew 26:59-65). 

They then brought Him to Pilot, who then sent Him to Herod who then sent Messiah back to Pilot (Matthew 27). 

This all took place through the night and in the morning of the 14th day of Nisan, Pilot gave into the demands of the crowd and ordered Messiah crucified. 

They then led Him back to the Mount of Olives (Calvary, Golgotha, the skull) where the head count was done, where He was nailed to the tree (stake, cross) - Matthew 27. 

The sacrifice all happened during the day of the 14th of Nisan from noon to the 9th hour till dark. All part of the Passover. 

At the 9th hour Yahusha said it was finished just as the High Priest does when he has finished sacrificing the lambs that were to be slaughtered this day. 

And just as the sheep were slaughtered so was Messiah as our Passover sacrifice at the exact same time 3 in the afternoon. 

Once the lamb is sacrificed then the blood of the lamb is smeared on the doorpost and lintel (Exodus 12:3-27).

I believe the Passover is the whole of the 14th day. Yahusha ate the Passover the beginning of the 14th day, all in accordance to Exodus 12. The Jews and many other believers eat the Passover lamb at the end of the 14th day as sunsets and as the 15th day of Nisan begins (1st day of Unleavened Bread). My opinion is that the Passover meal can be eaten anytime from sunset 14th day until the end of the next day (14th day) but before the 15th day starts. The 15th day is a high Sabbath and also the people that partake in the first Passover were in there houses waiting for the death angel to pass by each house. The people were packed and ready to move out of Egypt. 

This is the night when the death angel passed over those who had placed the blood on the doors. This was also the time Messiah was put into the grave. 

After 3 days & 3 nights, Messiah rose from the grave and spoke to the people that were standing at the empty tomb - Matthew 28.  

Read Mark, Luke & John for more information of the Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) being the Lamb of Elohim.

HalleluYah – Praise our Messiah