Thursday 29 November 2018

The lost son - Luke 15:11-32

Messiah spoke of a parable regarding a lost son in Luke 15:11-24 and these are my thoughts! I have watched a few movies that are based on the lost son of Luke 15 and this is how most of the movies are played out: The younger son of two children, was no longer happy to stay on the farm with his parents and his older brother so he told his dad he wanted to leave and go his own way. It may have being that he wanted the bright lights of the city or was bored with being on the farm or his friends told him that the city is a place of opportunities and riches. His dad gave him his promised inheritance and he left for the city.

Once in the city, he enjoyed the life of spending, partying and having many friends. The grass he thought was much greener on the other side of the fence.

Unfortunately this happy times did not last long as he spent all his money, lost his possessions and then his friends left one by one.

He did not have any food or a place to stay so he went to look for work which was very  scarce at that time due to the drought in the land. He managed to get work at a pig farm looking after pigs. The pigs were eating better food then he had and he was longing for a plate of food from his mom.

He then realized what he had lost and done to his family, he understood that he did wrong (sinned) against his parents and had to repent. He returned home.

His father was so happy to see him and embraced him. The son said to his dad, "Father, I have sinned and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your servants".

But his father was so happy to have him back, he organized a feast and gave him new clothes. The father said;  his son was dead but now he is alive again, he was lost but now he is found and they rejoiced. End.

The parable by Yahusha (Jesus) from Luke 15 showed me two parts at which sometime in our life we experience: first part is the lost son, the second part is the older brother or maybe we experience both the lost son part, followed by the older brother part.

This is how I see the meanings of each part...

The parable meaning number one: 1) we live in a fallen world where we all strive to be the best, on the sport grounds, corporate business and many other areas. Satan deceives us by telling us that we do not need our Creator to help us, we can achieve everything on our own. So we go out and conquer the world of business, sport and you name it all on our own esteem and thereby became proud of the achievements and the riches we accumulate.
When all goes well, the Creator is forgotten and therefore we do not rely on Him for any help/assistance. This success only lasts awhile and then the world spits us out and we than face major problems, it's at this point that we realize the world is filled with empty promises and our selfish proud leads to disastrous events.
Then we turn to Yahuah for help as we feel ashamed of our selfishness and ask for His forgiveness. Yahuah/Yahusha does not want to lose anybody to sin, so after we repent and obey Him, He takes us back no matter what we have done wrong. Messiah's love is so big and amazing, He celebrates the return of His lost child. This is the lost son part.

Messiah is teaching us with this parable that we must look at Yahuah for guidance in everything we do. Almighty Father's love is so great, words cannot describe it. The problems of the world will still be their but spiritually with the guidance of the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit, you will be loved, accepted and be saved.

The parable meaning number two: 2) So as Messiah forgives us so must we also forgive and love those who have done us wrong. No matter how much hurt you have, you must forgive. To forgive is very difficult especially if you do not have the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit in you which we receive from  Messiah. It is close to impossible to forgive and accept in our own fleshly ways, but with a forgiving heart and the Holy Spirit, you can forgive and love again. The 2nd son (older brother) never left his father's side as what the younger son did because he made a decision to serve and obey his father, as he loved his father very much. But he was not very happy when the younger brother (the lost son) came back after deserting his father and going after the world and its entertainment. He could not understand why his father welcomed him back with open arms, and then still gave him a feast and new clothes when he gave up everything to stay on the farm and support his father.
In verse 29-30; the 2nd son said to his father he has served him all these years and never disobeyed him ever and in all this time his father never gave him special treatment. But his younger brother (the lost son) got special treatment after doing wrong and disobeying his father, how fair was this! Verse 31-32; his father said to the older son, everything that I own is all his to enjoy and to share but we together as a family need to rejoice as your lost younger brother has returned and repented, he was a lost son/brother but he is back, his alive again. This is the older brother part.

The older brother (2nd son) today are those people that have accepted the Messiah and walk a path of obedience. Yahuah has given them many blessing but the problem is they have forgotten what love is by not sharing and forgiving. They think they can now sit back and wait for the Messiah's return without doing anything, their work has being done. They believe and walk in His path and that is all they need to do. They believe that if they are obedient they are saved. Obedience is very important as we show our love to Him through our obedience but they forget that they need to imitate the Messiah by being a example by showing love, forgiveness and also to spread the good news of Messiah's Word.

Believers (second son) who have given themselves to follow the Word of Yahuah, cannot sit back and be idle, Yahuah's Word needs to be spread through love and forgiveness. Believers (second son) represent the shepherd (Yahusha) to go out to the lost sheep of Israel (the lost son).

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