Thursday 28 February 2019

The light

Luke 8:16; when a lamp is lit, no one will cover it with a blanket or put it under the bed. The lamp will be placed on a high stand so that everyone can see.

The light is a person that accepted the Spirit of Messiah and he/she lives the light through Yahusha (Jesus). Only good works (good fruit) comes from the person that has Messiah's Spirit in them.

The good works must be seen by everyone, other words do not confess that you are a believer in Messiah but nobody can witness or see the actions of your good fruit.

Not talking good works of the flesh but good works of belief.

Luke 8:17; whatever is hidden shall be revealed and whatever is secret shall be known and come to light.

If a person confesses to be a believer in Messiah by their lips only (living a double life of light and darkness), other words they say they believe but there is no action of this belief. Only to the outside is the light seen but on the inside there is only darkness. Verse 17 says what is hidden (dark secrets) in the heart shall by time be known or be revealed.

Not sure about you but I see in these days we live in, how Yahusha is revealing much unto those who obey Him!

Luke 8:18; Listen very closely. Whoever has the true light, to him more shall be given and whoever does not have true light, even what little true light he thinks he has, that little light he has shall be taken from him.

Unto those who hear and obey whatever truth Yahusha brings to them, He brings more truth. However, those who do not hold on to whatever truth He brings, they lose it all, even that which they think they have.

These are very hard words and sometimes we try and avoid these words but the fact is they should be taken seriously.

Let Yahuah's light shine through you! let your works of belief be seen by all those who come into contact with you.

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