Tuesday 14 May 2019


Another week lies ahead and many of us will be going through trials, stress and disappointments (this is why I love the end of the week - Sabbath).

Abba Father told the Israelites in Joshua 1:9, to be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, nor be discouraged, for Yahuah your Elohim is with you wherever you go."

Abba Father is saying this to us today, to be strong and courageous.

Lets pray for each other, lets support each other, let's take up the complete armour of Yahuah, so that you have the power to withstand whatever comes from this wicked world (Ephesians 6:13).

Remember, Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) made us a promise when He went to be with His Father in heaven, and He keeps His promises. He is preparing a place for us and He is coming back to fetch His bride.

All the trails we are going through is so much worth it for what is waiting for us.

Be courageous, only look up to Yahuah, pray that His Ruach Ha Kodesh (Set-apart Spirit or Holy Spirit) be with us, to guide us, to protect us, to love us and to teach us.

Pray when you sleep, pray when you work, when you drive, pray when you write exams, when you eat, when you stand, when you lie down, pray, do not stop praying. It is our connection line to the Almighty Creator.

Belief, we please Yahuah when we belief Him, when we rely on Him only, He loves it. My brothers and sisters, be courageous, pray for your loved ones, pray for me and pray for yourself.

Yahuah and His beloved Son Yahusha (Jesus) is hearing us, His alive and He has not forgotten us, He is still in total control of this universe.

Praise Him because He is coming soon to fetch us to an everlasting life with Him. Be courageous this week and all weeks going forward.

If Yahuah is with us, who can be against us, nobody my friend, nobody. Belief in Messiah Yahusha (Jesus).

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