Tuesday 17 September 2019

End Times

Many books have been written regarding the end of the world as we know it. You can search the internet about the end times and you will find many websites/blogs discussing the end of this age. I have read many articles and listen to many people talking about the end. I have no doubt that the end of the age is close and our Messiah will be returning soon as He promised He would.

I have studied the 4 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with regards to the chapter about Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) talking about the signs of the end. I would like to share this chapter (from each disciple’s view) as I read and understand them.

Please note the Set-apart Spirit (Holy) is our guidance and each one of us who has received the Spirit must ask and listen to His voice as the Spirit is our helper to the truth. Please test everything that you read/hear and pray the Set-apart Spirit gives you guidance. Remember Messiah said the Spirit of Yahuah was to be our helper.

The message that Messiah spoke to the disciples is found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21.

Messiah said the Temple that was built for worshipping Yahuah would be destroyed sometime after He would leave, no stone will be left on top of each other. The reason the temple of stone was destroyed is that our bodies become the living temple and the Spirit of Yahuah (Holy Spirit) lives in our temple and we worship Him in spirit. This was fulfilled when the temple of stone was destroyed in AD 70.

Then before Messiah said anything about the signs, He said something very important to the disciples which is also very important to us today.

He said be careful that no one deceives you because many will come in My Name and will deceive you even the people that follow Messiah truly. DO NOT LET ANYONE DECEIVE YOU. Trust only His Word and listen to the Set-apart Spirit only, pray that Yahuah show you the truth.

Let me repeat what Messiah said; be aware that no one deceives you. This warning must be taken very seriously as there are many people out there who are wolves in sheep clothing.

Many people are coming in His Name preaching falsehood. Some twist the scripture to suite their ways. Some add a little scripture here and there just to tickle the hear. Many priests/pastors preach Sundays in a church a false gospel which could be known or unknown to them as they in turn are also been deceived. Preaching the true scripture and then adding a bit of falsehood to it does not make it truth. The scripture is clear that we cannot add or remove from the scripture. The scripture has been written by His appointed prophets for us to know Him and His ways and we have no right to add/remove from it.

Of cause satan has used his wicked people to try and change scripture and there are translations out their which is false but Yahuah will always makes sure the truth is revealed. It is very important to read and study the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation to ensure nobody deceives you.

Matthew 24:5, "Take heed that no one leads you astray (deceive). "For many shall come in My Name, saying, 'I am the Messiah,' and they shall lead many astray." Luke says the same as Matthew and Mark but adds the following in 21:8, for many shall come in My Name, saying, 'I am,' and 'The time is near.'

So many false people will come in His Name and also say when the time is or even give dates.

Now the signs Messiah said we should look out for. Just keep in mind our time is not the same as Yahuah's time. When Yahuah gives a time, it could be a day or it could be 1000 years. Abba Father does not work according to the worldly time, He has His own time.

"And you shall begin to hear of fighting and reports of fighting. See that you are not troubled, for these have to take place, but the end is not yet. Nations/reigns will fight each other and there shall be earthquakes, scarcities of food, deadly diseases and disturbances. These will only be the beginning of birth pains - Matthew 24:6-8, Mark 13:7-8, Luke21:10-11.

Look at today, fighting between nations are occurring all around the globe, all over the world there are wars or conflicts, in the same way many areas have droughts with little water or food and earthquakes have increased. New diseases are popping up all over. Messiah says this is just the beginning of worse to come.

Matthew 24:9, Mark 13:9, Luke 21:12, Many believers shall be delivered up for affliction and be killed. Believers shall be hated by many nations because of Messiah's Name. Many believers will stumble and even be persecuted or beaten or put in prisons by other people and close family. This is also already happening in many countries.

Luke 21:13, "And it shall turn out to you for a witness. This will be a witness to you that the end is close.

Matthew 21:11, "And many false prophets shall rise up and lead many astray. How many false prophets/teachers/pastors have you seen or read about, there are many and this is still increasing. Churches are teaching and preaching false gospels, homosexuality is now being preached and is now acceptable in many of the Christian churches. The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination to Heavenly Father Yahuah.

Matthew 21:12; Lawlessness shall increase and love shall become cold. Real love between couples, parents, children is becoming less true, it's becoming cold love. We see today that evil is increasing and evil is called good and good is called evil.

Mark 13:11, Luke 21:15, "And when they lead you away and persecute you, do not worry what you are to say. But whatever is given to you to say, speak it, for the Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) will give you guidance to speak, this will not come from you. The Set-apart Spirit will give you wisdom to speak. Trust only the Almighty Creator.

There are very scary words spoken by Messiah in Matthew 24:10, Mark 13:12, Luke 21:16, "And brother shall deliver up brother to death, and a father his child. Children shall rise up against parents and shall put them to death. Many shall hate one another. Imagine being betrayed by your own child or a child by his parent. Discipline is going out of the window and getting worse. Remember Messiah said this is only the beginning of the birth pains. Woman who have gone through birth pains know the pain becomes worse. This all happens because of belief in Messiah.

Many false prophets will increase in this time and lead many astray. Lawlessness shall increase and the love of many shall become cold.

But here is a promise Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) makes to everyone that know His Name, in Matthew 24:13, Mark 13:13, "But he who shall endure to the end shall be saved. The ones that know His Name and obey Him will be saved.

Luke 21:18, Messiah says not a hair on a head of a believer shall be lost at all. We will only have life by our endurance!

Matthew 24:14, "And this Good News (the gospel of Messiah) of the reign (Yahuah's kingdom) shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end shall come.
The question is, which part of the world has not heard about the Kingdom of Yahuah, the good news of Messiah. I believe with all the technology today, like Internet, cell phones, media, TV and other, almost all, if not all nations have heard about the Kingdom and Messiah.

Look at where you are today and recall what Messiah said in the previous parts preceding this one. Aren't we now living in the time of all that He said will happen and is it not becoming worse?

But still worse things must happen before Messiah comes back to judge the world and set-up His reign (Kingdom).

The following verses are when the "big trouble" starts! As with a woman in labour as she progresses the birth pains become more intense and more frequent, as the birth approaches this is when the greatest pain occurs!

Matthew 24:15 & Mark 13:14, "So when you see the abomination that lays waste,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, set up in the set-apart place" - he who reads, let him understand.

Luke 21:20, says when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that it's laying waste is near.

It is "Jacob's trouble" - Jeremiah 30:5, a time of terrible suffering. Messiah then warns the people that are in Judah, in Jerusalem to flee to the mountains - Matt 24:16, Mark 13:14, Luke 21:21.

Messiah also says in Matt 24:17-20, Mark 13:15-18, Luke 21:21; those who are on the house roofs, or in the fields should not go into the house to get clothes or food but to run to the mountains. Woe to those who are pregnant, meaning it is going to be difficult for them to flee. "And pray that you do not have to flee in the winter or when it is the Sabbath.

Messiah says there shall be great distress (pressure), such as has not been since the beginning of the world (creation) until now, no, nor ever shall be - Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19, Luke 21:22-23.

What is going to happen at that time will be worse than the nuclear bombing of the Japanese towns in world war 2. Messiah says it would be the worst thing the world has EVER seen. But the ones that follow Him truly and obey Him, not one hair on his/her head will be touched.

Messiah said that very bad things will happen at that time, it will be the worst the world has ever experienced or will ever experience!

Matthew 24:22, Mark 13:20; Messiah says that those bad days of distress shall be shortened as no person would make it through the terrible time, but for the sake of the chosen ones (true believers) those days shall be shortened. He promises to make the days shorter to save His chosen people. We have been taught that the "rapture" will occur before these terrible things happen and the believers will be taken away by Messiah. This is one of satan's lies, as the scripture says that the true believers will go through the distress.

Remember Messiah himself says that His chosen ones will go through the distress, and not be taken away. DO NOT BE DECEIVED! I have read many books and watched many dvd's with regards to the rapture. All of them talk about the believers been taken (raptured) away before the terrible distress.  A well-known DVD series is called "Left Behind" which is about believers been raptured and the sinners/unbelievers are left behind to go through the distress. This is all false, a lie from satan, nowhere in the Bible does it say this. Please read the Bible so that you see/hear it for yourself.

In the next few verses Messiah warns us of a huge lie that will happen before He comes back. We have been deceived in the past over many things and are still been deceived today many times over things which we do not know about. The biggest deception is still to happen, it is coming and many people, even true believers will fall for this lie.

Be prepared!

"If anyone then says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah!' or 'There!' do not believe "- Matthew 24:24, Mark 13:21. "For false messiahs and false prophets shall rise and show signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the true believers "-Mark 13:22, Matt 24:24.

I believe this event will be the biggest deception (lie) that satan and his wicked people will pull off! With the advanced technology in this time, that is still being advanced as we speak...will be used by the wicked to make signs and wonders which we have never seen before. People will make a person come out of the sky as if it is the real thing and they will tell us it is the Messiah.

Messiah says, "See, I have forewarned you - Matt 24:25, Mark 13:23. When this deception happens and you think it is truly the Messiah, remember what He said, I warn you of this.

I want to take you to Paul's (Shaul) writings in 2 Thessalonians 2 as I believe his writing is very important as it ties in with what Messiah said to the disciples. Paul says here in verse 2 that we must not become easily unsettled in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as if the day of Yahuah has come.

Here in 2 Thess. 2:3, Paul says exactly what Messiah says - Let no one deceive you in any way.... Messiah has warned us 3 x and Paul warn us again, to watch out that you are not deceived.

Fellow believers, please take this seriously! Satan comes only to deceive, steal and to kill.

Paul says the falling away must first take place and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed (false messiah), who makes him above the Almighty Heavenly Father. Many people will worship this false person - 2 Thess. 2:3-4.

The falling away means people, church, believers...that once believed in the Messiah, will no longer believe (they will "fall away"). This is already happening and it is becoming worse.

Trust and obey is talked about but that is where it stops, lip talking only! Messiah said the gate to the Kingdom is narrow and very few are going to find it.

Paul's letter gives us some very important information about what will happen in that day.

Paul (Shaul) said the secret (mystery) of lawlessness (iniquity) is already at work...... 2 Thessalonians 2:7.

Who is the mystery of lawlessness - it is Babylon the great, the mother of harlots (whores) - Revelation 17:5.

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood - 2 Thess. 2:9.

Paul says exactly what Messiah said; the anti-messiah will show many signs which will be believed by many. Paul says that those who fall for these deceits and unrighteousness (sin) will be those that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved - 2 Thess. 2:10.

Basically, what is said here is that anybody that hears the truth but does not accept and live it but accepts the deceit of satan will not be saved. Truth sets you free!

Have you received the truth and what are you doing with the truth?

Remember if you have the truth, then you will not be deceived! Elohim will send those who do not love the truth, a delusion, for them to believe a lie (falsehood) - 2 Thess. 2:11.

Why would Heavenly Father do this? In order that all should (accepted the lie) be judged who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (love sin) - 2 Thess. 2:12.

Back to what the Messiah said. "But in those days, after the distress (when the terrible time is over), the sun and moon will be darkened (no light) and stars of heaven shall fall and powers in the heavens shall be shaken - Mark 13:24-25, Matt 24:29, Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 34:4, Haggai 2:6,21.

In this period the sun will be in darkness and no light shine from the moon, complete darkness.

Luke 21:25-26, says there will be anxiety, men will faint (hearts fail) from fear. Then only after all this, the Messiah will come with His army of angels.

Messiah will be doing the following to the wicked and for the saved ones.

"And then they shall see the Son of Adam (Messiah) coming in the clouds with much power and esteem - Mark 13:26, Matt 24:30, Luke 21:27.

Daniel 7:13-14 prophesy of Messiah coming on the clouds to reign over the earth = with power and esteem.

Luke 21:28, "And when these matters begin to take place, look up, because your redemption draws near." I have always wondered how I will know that this is the true Messiah and how will I know to go with Him when He appears in the sky.

This is going to be a huge occasion and I was always worried that I would miss it until I read the following scripture telling me how it will happen.
love this next verse and I have no worries after reading what Messiah said in the next verse. "And He (Messiah) shall send His messengers (Angels) with a great sound of a trumpet, and THEY SHALL GATHER (assemble) TOGETHER Messiah's chosen ones from the 4 winds (corners), from the farthest part of the earth to the farthest part of heaven - Matt 24:31, Mark 13:27, Isaiah 27:13,  Daniel 7:2. Deut. 30:4 & Zech. 2:6, Yahuah says He will gather us from far and bring us back.

We need not do anything; He will gather us - HalleluYah! Messiah then tells us the parable of the fig tree, in Matt 24:32-33, Mark 13:28-29, Luke 21:29-31, which I will not discuss as it is a message on its own but in a nutshell, it is about when the time draws near and how to look out for it.

Messiah says that this generation shall by no means pass away until all this takes place. He says the heaven and the earth shall pass away, but His words shall by no means pass away - Matt 24:34-35, Mark 13:30-31, Luke 21:32-33. Read those verses again; His word which is the Torah, the prophesy and the 10 Commandments shall not be taken away or changed.

"But concerning that day and the hour no one knows, not even the angels of the heavens, but My Father only - Matt 24:36, Mark 13:32.

We have been taught that all people, believers and non-believers do not know when He is coming. If you read further in Matthew you will notice that it is the non-believers or the lukewarm believers that will not know.

Matt 24:37-39, Messiah said it will be the same as in Noah's day, days before the flood people where parting, drinking and eating, marrying and getting married (meaning everyone was carrying on with life as usual), Noah did warn them because he knew when the flood would happen. They did not realize until the flood took them away....so it shall be when Messiah comes!

Do not be a fence sitter but follow Him in obedience then you will know the time. Unfortunately, most people are more interested in the world and its entertainment! Watch and be ready.

Matt 24:40-41, tells us how the believers will be gathered; two shall be in the field, the one is taken (believer) and the one is left (unbeliever). Two women are grinding at the mill, one is taken (believer) and one is left (unbeliever). Notice this happens after the tribulation (great distress from Matt 24:21) not before.

"And know this, that if the master (owner) of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into - Matt 24:43. What does this verse say? Be ready and prepared so that you can prevent the thief of breaking in, because of this, be ready too, for the Messiah is coming at an hour when you do not expect Him.

Messiah said in the beginning and the middle of Matt 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21 that we should be aware not to be deceived! At the end of these chapters Messiah says "Watch and be prepared!"

Mark 13:33, "Take heed, watch and pray, for you do not know when the time is - as a man going away (on business), leaving his house and given authority to his servants, and each his work (tasks), and has commanded the doorkeeper to watch. "Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming - in the evening or at midnight, or in the morning, lest, coming suddenly, he should find you sleeping - Mark 13:34-36.

So, are you watching or are you going to be found asleep??

Read Matt 24:45-51 here it talks about the servants and their master, the servants are eating, drinking cavorting with drunkards...the master of the servants comes on a day when they do not know or expect, to find them all parting. The master shall cut them off ...then there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But it will be too late.

Luke 21:34-36, says it more clearly; "And take heed to yourselves, least your hearts be weighed down by gluttony, and drunkenness (can also mean - drugged), and worries of this life, and that day come on you suddenly. "For it shall come as a snare on all those dwelling on this earth. "Watch then at all the times, and pray that you be counted worthy to escape all this about to take place, and stand before the Son of Adam (the Messiah)."

The question is; does Messiah see you worthy to be called a chosen one!

When the terrible distress starts taking place; are you sure you are watching and ready for what is coming, it can happen very quickly.

Do not delay, if you have not given your whole being to Yahuah, I pray that you open up your heart to Him, so that He can call you and give His Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit).

The end of times is going to be nasty and everyone is going to go through it.

Please study these chapters for yourself. Do not be deceived! Watch and pray!

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