Thursday 30 April 2020

Striving after Covetousness

What are you striving for?

Please answer these few questions below honestly, and decide for yourself what you are striving for.

1) Are your awards-your certificates of accomplishment, diplomas, ribbons, medals, trophies, wall/newspaper pictures and your talk of accomplishments - treasures on earth or treasures in Heaven?

2) How is most of your time spent - trying to secure your own and/or others success, comfort, pleasure and entertainment on this earth, or helping those you love secure their place in the Kingdom of Yahuah?

3) On what do you spend most of your money - on yourself /family and the worldly success, comfort, security, and pleasure of your family and others, or, either directly or indirectly, on the Word of Yahuah - getting your loved ones saved from this evil world?

4) What do you talk about most of the time - worldly entertainment, worldly things, or, either directly or indirectly, the Elohim and His great and wonderful plan of salvation?

5) When someone compliments you, do you say, "Thank you," and keep the praise to yourself, or do you give the credit and glory to Yahuah in prayer and openly?

6) What do you think about most of the time - world entertainment, worldly success, things, pleasure, and relationships, or Elohim and His great and wonderful plan of salvation and how to get your loved ones saved?

Your honest answers to these questions should give you a pretty good idea of whether or not you are storing up treasures on earth, which is covetousness, or in Yahuah's kingdom.

I have to admit that I have wasted most of my life and still in some ways working foolishly and futilely for worldly success and possessions.

But I thank Abba Father for opening up my eyes and slowly changing my focus to His will.

I pray that you will do the same!

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