Thursday 3 September 2020

Where is your treasure?

Many people are more concerned with filling their stomach with all kinds of food and drinks (worldly) to sustain their physical life.

We certainly do need worldly things. But it does not last long, then the energy drains up from this food and the body needs more.

Remember the woman at the well when Yahusha (Jesus) said to her she will thirst again when she drinks the water from the well but the water, He gives is living water and she will never thirst again.

If we feel that we should fill ourselves with something that is more profitable to us in the long run, then we should fill up on things that endure. We should fill ourselves with praise and thankfulness to Yahuah for what He has done for us in the past and for what He has promised to do for us in the future.

For such sacrifices He is well pleased, as Hebrews 13:15 -16 says, through Him then, let us continually offer up a slaughter offering (sacrifices) of praise to Elohim, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His Name. And do not forget to do good and to share, for with such slaughter offerings (sacrifices) Elohim is well pleased.

The prophet Habakkuk offered such praise in chapter 3. He praised Yahuah for the events in the history of His people (verses 3 - 15) and he praised Yahuah for his confidence for the future of His People (verse 18).

The underlying theme of Habakkuk’s book is faith: Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith - Habakkuk 2:4.

In chapter 3 we find Habakkuk’s faith glorying is assurance and also a prophetic account showing the return of the Messiah.

Habakkuk 1:5 telling Habakkuk that “He will work a work in this end time that would be so great he almost could not believe it”, and here He is giving the fruition of that work with the return of Messiah to the earth.

Even as Habakkuk’s days seemed dark, so do ours; and as he resolved himself to wait patiently, so should we.

By doing so, we shall have the dark clouds removed to let the bright sunshine come through. Then we shall surely have good reason to cry aloud with joy as Habakkuk did in chapter 3, where, in verse 1, Shigionath means to cry aloud, either in pain (concerning erring ones), as he did in verse 16, or in joy, as he did in verses 18 and 19.

If we remain true to His word, then Yahuah has promised us that we will not grow hungry, as we read in Proverbs 10:3, first part: Yahuah does not let the being of the righteous go hungry, but He thrusts away the desire of the wrong.

But in the same verse Yahuah makes another promise — if we seek worldly pleasures in this life, as did the rich fool in Luke 12:16 -21, then we shall be cast aside.

Don’t let this happen to you.

Place your trust and faith in those things which can be neither corrupted by moths and rust nor stolen, for as Matthew 6:21 says: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

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