Thursday 8 April 2021

Confusion in the house of the believer


Isaiah prophesies of the destruction, removal of food and people by Yahuah - Isaiah 3:1-3.

If you read verse 2-3 carefully it is talking about losing good judges, loss of respected men, loss of prophets, loss of skilled people who do good work.

Does this sound like what is happening to us today! The land is falling apart!

Listen to verse 4-5, no respect for elders, the youth rebels, children run the show, pressure is put on all, be it - work, food, water, health, the land and the poor become poorer and the rich become richer.

This all brings confusion to the house of the believer. Nobody trusts each other, dad argues with mom, dad no longer wants to be the head of the house.

This all because we turned away from Yahuah and did our own thing - Isaiah 3;4-8.

WOE is said twice in verse 9 and 11.

Woe to those who do sin openly, no longer worried who sees. But they bring judgment upon themselves.

Woe to the wrong - the evil/wicked ones! They will be rewarded for their wrong doings!

Isaiah 3:9 The look on their faces witnesses against them, and they declare their sin as Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to their being! For they have brought evil upon themselves.

Isaiah 3:11 “Woe to the wrong – evil! For the reward of his hand is done to him.

Isaiah 3:12 "Rebellious people," the youth, women and leaders; all lead astray, Judging is coming to the people, leaders and those who plunder the land and the poor - Isaiah 3:13-14.

Can you see what is coming!

This is not something new, Isaiah has warned us, it is coming but the question is; are we ready! Are we following Yahuah truly, if not, turn back to Him.

He is the only way, through Messiah Yahusha!

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