Thursday 5 May 2022

The covenant Torah

She-ma Yisharel!

She-ma means much more than just hear! It means;

Hear commands!

Learn commands!

Guard commands!

Do commands!

This is the secret to live!

Moses explained to Yishrael that to “Shema” the laws and right-rulings is to hear them, to learn them, and to guard and do them. (Deuteronomy 5:1-5)

Yahuah, said to the people if you carefully and seriously obey My voice, and shall guard My covenant, then you shall be My treasured possession above all the peoples and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a set-apart nation.’

Yahuah spoke these 10 commands to all the assembly, in the mountain from the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a loud voice, and He added nothing more. After He spoke these Word, He then wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to Moses. (Deuteronomy 5:22)


This was Your covenant Father directly with the people.

We know from history; the people did not take Your covenant to heart as they did not, She-ma Your Words and broke Your covenant.

You sent many prophets to guide Your people back to You and at times people did return but this was for only little while, then many again turn away from You.

All through history the house of Yisra’Ãl and the house of YehuÅah kept breaking Your covenant You made with their fathers.” (Jeremiah 11:10)

They were rebellious, lying and refused to hear Your Torah. Many prophets were even killed because they warned the people to return to Yahauh. (Isaiah 30:9)


Father, this bowled me completely over as I could not understand why people could do this after You showed them so many wonders and miracles.

I realize it is no different today. I myself for a long time was living a rebellious and lying life.

It took me a long time to understand why so many people would not hear.

It is all because they could not get the “Shema” right. They tried to do it from the flesh and not from the heart! It’s not the organ pumping blood but your inner soul that is called the heart.

It makes sense when Yahuah says “If you love me, do My commands.” Love can only come from the heart! (John 14:15,21 & 23)

If a husband says to his wife, “I love you.” Is it coming from his mouth, his thinking or from deep inside his heart (soul)? Is the love of a husband not a desire to be with his wife and verse versa? Becoming one just like Yahusha said, Him and His Father are One.


Shema – hear, learn, guard and do is not just simple hearing His voice, learning His voice, guarding His voice and doing His voice. It is a much deeper meaning that must come from the heart.

It is a complete desire/love to Shema. If you and I do not have this desire/love to Shema, not just having a feeling but a complete desire/love to have Shema on your heart then we will struggle just like our forefathers did.

First desire/love than obedience.It will never work the other way around.

Yahuah, You knew your people would not Shema and so You told Your prophets the day will come when a new covenant will be made with the house of Israel and the house of Yahudah.

It will be the same covenant but it will be in a different way than before. You will put Your covenant Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts/soul.

You also say no longer will we teach each other Your Torah to our neighbor or our brother because we will know You (Jeremiah 31:31-34 & Hebrew 8:8-12)

Yahuah told His prophets of His Spirit that would be given to those who Shema. (Proverbs 1:23, Ezekiel 36:27, Ezekiel 39:29, Zekhariah 7:12)

As Yahuah’s covenant was broken, He made it possible to make it new or to be renewed by sending His Son Yahusha to deliver (save) His people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21)

Sins are breaking His covenant Torah


Yahusha explained to them that His blood, is that of the “Brit Chadasha” renewed or new covenant, which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins (breaking of the covenant). (Matthew 26:27-28)

A few days later His blood was shed.

Now that Yahusha Messiah came to fix that what was broken, does it mean we do not Shema His 10 Words or Commands as He spoke face to face with the first people. Let it not be!

Yahusha’s blood mended the covenant of His Father and we as born-again believers can now stand at the mountain and Shema His Voice again.

With Yahuah’s Spirit in our inward parts and our desire/love can His Words be written on our hearts.

Yahusha repeats what Moses said before; we must Shema the 10 Commands of Yahuah by loving Yahuah with all our heart and mind and likewise to love our neigbour (Mark 12:29-31)

Yahusha also tells us there will still be those today who will She-ma and those who will not She-ma. No different to the past as only a remnant will true, She-ma.

He explains this by means of a parable; the one house that is built on the rock and the other house that is built on the sand and how a storm destroys one house and the other house endures the storm. One will hear and do and the other one will hear and not do, just like it was in the time of Moses and the prophets. (Mathew 7:24-27 Luke 6:46-49)

This walk to She-ma does not happen overnight, it is all baby steps, first drinking the milk then moving on to solid food and finally walking in His covenant where you no longer need to study or teach your neigbour or be taught by your neigbour. The 10 Commands will be in your heart forever and you will live them.

If your desire/love is true, then Shema is possible.


Prophesy tells us the dragon is fighting with the remnant who has endurance. Who is the remnant; those guarding the commands of Elohim and possessing the witness of Yahusha Messiah. (Revelation 12:17 & Revelation 14:12)

Father, All the 10 Words You have spoken face to face to them, “I today hear and I shall do them.” (Exodus 19:5-8, Exodus 19:16-19)

I know these Ten Words (Commands) were given so that we know what sin is, to fear You and to lead us away from sin (breaking Your Covenant). (Exodus 20:20, Romans 3:20, Romans 4:15 & Romans 7:7.)


Through the blood of Yahusha Messiah, my sins have been washed away, making me a new person. I now walk in Your covenant with Your Spirit in me and Your 10 Words written on my heart.

Most people can’t see this because they have the world system pulled over their eyes even many who confess to be believers.

I encourage you to desire Abba Father, to repent and to accept the blood covering of Yahusha and then to She-ma Yahuah’s covenant, so He can call you HIS treasured possession. 

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