Thursday 22 December 2022

His Name disliked








Those who are ruling over Yah’s people are making them despise His name every day.

The hard question is; who are ruling over His people?

If you find the answer to that question, you then will know why His Name is changed or falsified. (Isaiah 52:5)

The prophesy was given in Isaiah by the Creator Himself that in future His Name will be known.

This prophesy is presently been fulfilled as we hear more and more people coming to know His Name. (Isaiah 52:6)








Keep in mind Yah said to Isaiah, He Himself will make His Name known to people in the future.

Did Yah Himself through His Ruach make His Name known to you and I.

Listen to what David says about His Name been made worthless: How long would the adversary and the foolish people disrespect Your Name. (Psalm 74:10 and verse 18)

Who are the foolish today, disrespecting His Name?





This is clearly a transgression of the 3rd Command.

Exodus 20:7 “You do not bring the Name of Yahuah your Elohim to naught (in vain) ……

The meaning of “in vain or to naught” is to “change, falsify or to make common”.

Taking the Creator's eternal set apart name Yahuah (Exodus 3:15) and changing it to 'god', the name of the Babylonian deity is a clear violation of the third commandment.

The sacred name Yahuah is so set apart from any other name on earth, it must be revered above everything. The rabbis took this to the point of not even mentioning it, and inadvertently have brought it to nothing. How could we, according to scripture, praise His name, glorify His name, sing praises to His name, call on His name if we did not mention it?












Even religious leaders are despising the Name of Yahuah!

The Creator of heaven and earth’s Name is not God, Lord, Jesus or Hashem.

For those who He personally revealed His Name too, should not call Him by any other name but His true Name.

Let’s be reminded what Yah said by His on breath in Exodus 20:7, for Yah does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.

Deuteronomy 5:11 ‘You do not bring (lift up or take) the Name of Yahuah your Elohim to naught, for Yahuah does not leave him unpunished who brings His Name to naught.



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