Thursday 30 March 2023



Isaiah 63:1 It is I, to speak in righteousness the GreatYah-saves (Mighty to save) (Yahusha).

“It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.” (scriptures)

The Hebrew reads 'Rab Yahusha' = Great Yahusha. In Aramaic Raboni means my Great One and in Hebrew Rabbi means teacher.








The Messiah said not to call any man Raboni (Rabbi), my great one (teacher), but Him.

Mathew23:8 “But you, do not be called ‘Rabboni’ (Rabbi), for One is your Great One (Teacher), the Messiah, and you are all brothers.









Joshua saw the Great One.

Read Joshua 5:13-15 And it came to be, when Yehoshua (Yahoshua-Joshua) was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked and saw a Man standing opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Yehoshua went to Him and said to Him, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?”And He said, “No, for I have now come as Captain of the host of Yahuah.” And Yehoshua fell on his face to the earth and did obeisance, and said to Him, “What is my Master saying to His servant?”And the Captain of the host of Yahuah said to Yehoshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is set-apart.” And Yehoshua did so.

Undoubtedly, this had to be Yahusha Messiah as an angel would not allow worship, and an angel's presence would not make the ground holy.

Yahusha Messiah is the Great One.

The worthy One to be called Rabbi.







Thursday 23 March 2023

Our Father


Isaiah 63:16-19

For You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us, and Yashar’el (Israel) does not recognise us. You, O Yahuah, are our Father, our Redeemer – Your Name is from of old.

Abraham would not know the 12 tribes as they came much later. Israel has forgotten their inheritance except for a remnant who still follow our Father.

Yah is our Father, our redeemer (saved us) and His Name has been from the beginning.








O Yahuah, why do You make us stray from Your ways, and harden our heart from Your fear? Turn back, for the sake of Your servants, the tribes of Your inheritance.

Here Isaiah is asking Yah why has He allowed for His people to fall away from Him. Our Father does not force anyone within Jacob’s seed to follow Him. He has given us a free will to make our own choice.







Many of Jacob’s seed choose to walk in sin and to forget His Name. Sometimes I also ask why Father does not make us walk in His ways, but I realise that would be slavery and that is not what Yah had in mind when He created all.

He has chosen a people for Him but it is the peoples choose to be part of His covenant.

It’s a choose!

For a little while Your set-apart people possessed it – our adversaries have trodden down Your set-apart place.

Sadly, the worldly entertainment through satan has lied and deceived many and our congregations have become unclean places.








We have become like those over whom You never ruled – Your Name is not called on them!

Many have forgotten the covenant and the Father’s true Name. We can see today why we are in this mess.

Our Father Yahuah, may we turn back to You and be part of your inheritance as of old.

Please guide us back, O Father.


Wednesday 15 March 2023

Priests of Yah

Exodus 19:5-6 ‘And now, if you diligently obey My voice, and shall guard My covenant, then you shall be My treasured possession above all the peoples – for all the earth is Mine – ‘and you shall be to Me a reign of priests and a set-apart nation.’

Isaiah 61:6 But you shall be called, ‘Priests of Yahuah,’ ‘Servants of our Elohim’ shall be said of you.









There is a condition to be part of His chosen people – we need to obey His voice. The same condition is laid out in John 3:36, as the Messiah being the embodiment of His Father’s voice!

1 Peter 2:5 you also, as living stones, are being built up, a spiritual house, a set-apart priesthood, to offer up spiritual slaughter offerings acceptable to Elohim through Yahusha Messiah.

To those who have been called out of darkness.

You are now a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation.









You cannot turn back to darkness.

1 Peter 2:9-10 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation, a people for a possession, that you should proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light, who once were not a people, but now the people of Elohim; who had not obtained compassion, but now obtained compassion.




Revelation 1:5-6 To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us sovereigns and priests to His Elohim and Father.

To Him be esteem and rule forever and ever. Amein.



Thursday 9 March 2023

Messiah reading the scroll

Isaiah 61:1-2

The Spirit of the Master Yahuah is upon Me, because Yahuah has anointed Me to bring good news to the meek. He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted,to proclaim release to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of Yahuah……... and the day of vengeance of our Elohim, .....












Who is speaking here? This could not have been Isaiah the prophet as he could never achieve these promises as a normal man.

Messiah went into the congregation on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. And having unrolled the scroll, He found the place where it was written: (Luke 4:16-18)

Messiah read from Isaiah 61:1-2.












Yahusha read in the congregation, verses 1 & 2, but stopped in the middle of verse two as verse 1 and part of 2 was about His first mission on earth.

First mission was to save and to restore. He has gone back to prepare for the wedding day.

The rest of verse 2 and 3 is about judgment on the day of Yahuah and then peace when He returns for His second mission on the earth.


Isaiah 61:2-3 to comfort all who mourn, to appoint unto those who mourn in Tsiyon: to give them embellishment for

ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

Second mission is judgment followed by the wedding day.

The redeemer will restore back to His own that which was lost (Leviticus 25:25-29).