Thursday 23 March 2023

Our Father


Isaiah 63:16-19

For You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us, and Yashar’el (Israel) does not recognise us. You, O Yahuah, are our Father, our Redeemer – Your Name is from of old.

Abraham would not know the 12 tribes as they came much later. Israel has forgotten their inheritance except for a remnant who still follow our Father.

Yah is our Father, our redeemer (saved us) and His Name has been from the beginning.








O Yahuah, why do You make us stray from Your ways, and harden our heart from Your fear? Turn back, for the sake of Your servants, the tribes of Your inheritance.

Here Isaiah is asking Yah why has He allowed for His people to fall away from Him. Our Father does not force anyone within Jacob’s seed to follow Him. He has given us a free will to make our own choice.







Many of Jacob’s seed choose to walk in sin and to forget His Name. Sometimes I also ask why Father does not make us walk in His ways, but I realise that would be slavery and that is not what Yah had in mind when He created all.

He has chosen a people for Him but it is the peoples choose to be part of His covenant.

It’s a choose!

For a little while Your set-apart people possessed it – our adversaries have trodden down Your set-apart place.

Sadly, the worldly entertainment through satan has lied and deceived many and our congregations have become unclean places.








We have become like those over whom You never ruled – Your Name is not called on them!

Many have forgotten the covenant and the Father’s true Name. We can see today why we are in this mess.

Our Father Yahuah, may we turn back to You and be part of your inheritance as of old.

Please guide us back, O Father.


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