Thursday 25 January 2024

Behavior of wives and husbands






A wife’s pure behavior can win over an unbelieving husband by being submissive without a word been said. By the husband observing her believing ways can turn him to the faith.

Some woman may say been submissive is not for the modern times as things has changed. It is true things have changed but it’s the world that changed not the Word of Yah. Been submissive does not mean a slave to a husband but it is the role Yahauh gave the wife within the family.









A wife’s blameless behavior is seen by Yahauh – 1 Peter 3:1-2.

1 Peter 3:3-4 And adorn not yourselves with the external ornaments of curls of the hair, or the wearing of golden trinkets, or of costly garments but the hidden man of the heart, in the incorruptible adornment of the meek and quiet spirit, which is of great value before Elohim.

Wives should not try and make themselves more beautiful or attractive then what they are as the worldly system puts pressure on woman to make them be sexy. Instead, wives should only impress their own husbands and not what the worldly flesh wants them to be seen.










What is important for the wife is an inwardly beauty and not the lusts of the world.

No different for the husband as he must show respect and love for his wife.

1 Peter 3:7 And you husbands, likewise, dwell with your wives according to knowledge, and hold them in honor, as the weaker vessels; because they also will inherit with you the gift of eternal life: And let not your prayers behindered.







A husband’s strength and experience on her behalf, and thus honoring her by becoming her protector and support.

The wife been the weaker vessel - Being more delicately, and consequently more slenderly, constructed. Roughness and strength go hand in hand; so likewise do beauty and frailty. The woman has what the man wants - beauty and delicacy. The man has what the woman wants - courage and strength.







The one is as good in its place as the other: and by these things Yahauh has made an equality between the man and the woman, so that there is properly very little superiority on either side.



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