Friday 29 July 2016

Obedience of the truth

Father Yahuah has linked together obedience to His will and access to His truth. Just as there are laws that govern nature (law of gravity), there are laws in the kingdom of Elohim (Almighty).
One of these instructions is expressed by the Messiah in Luke 8:18 "So take care how you listen; for whatever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him."

If Father has given you truth and you have obeyed the truth, living your life to His light (His will) which you have received, Father Yahauh will grant you access to more truth. However, if you have disobeyed the truth then further truth will be withheld from you. In fact, those who are hearers but not doers of the word (truth) of Father will find that even that which they once possessed will be taken from them.
If you love truth you will show your love by your willingness to suffer for it. If you are faithful with the little you have been given, Father Yahuah will give you more.

When you receive truth from Yahuah, you do not take it and hide it away or keep it to yourself, rather bear it for all to see, like the example is given in Luke 8:16, No man lights a lamp and covers it with a vessel or places it under the bed, rather he places it on a lamp stand so that all who enter will see its light.
Truth is light and having it is hearing (obedience). True believers walk in truth. Someone that walks in truth today but then tomorrow walks in the doctrines of man is called a hypocrite. They worship by their lips and not their heart.

Believers are seen by the fruit they bear. Of cause all make mistakes including myself. But you accept that you made a mistake and correct it by not doing it again.
Does Messiah not say that if we love Him, we will do His will! So we will not make the same mistake over and over if we love Him! The question is: Do I love Him? And if I love Him, will I hear His truth and do His truth?

Praise Yah

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