Friday 16 September 2016

Does the Creator exist?

I read an article "Does the Creator exist, of which I would like to share sum part of it!
If you ever wondered about the existence of the Almighty Creator, read on.

Which is more reasonable to believe?
1) That an impersonal, non-conscious, meaningless, purposeless and amoral universe that had its   
     own beginning accidentally created personal, conscious, moral beings who are obsessed with
     meaning and purpose OR

2) That a personal, conscious, purposeful, intelligent, moral, eternal Almighty created  beings in His likeness and established the universe and its laws to govern their existence?
The argument states that the universe and humankind exhibit marks of intelligence and design.

1) Behind every complex design is a designer.

2) The universe has a complex design.

3) Therefore, the universe has a designer.
Is the universe by chance or planned?
a) Oxygen currently makes up 21% of the atmosphere. Where it 25%, fires would erupt and if it
    were 15%, humans would suffocate.

 b) If gravity was altered 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001%, the sun would not  
     exist and moon would crash into earth.

c) If the universe was expanding at a rate 1 millionth more slowly than it is the temperature on
    earth would be 10,000 degrees.

 d) The axis of the earth is set so carefully that, if it were altered ever so slightly, surface
     temperature of the earth would be far too great.

The message found in just the cell nucleus of an amoeba is more than all 30 volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

The entire amoeba itself has as much information in its DNA as 1000 complete sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The important thing to understand here is that the makeup of these entities is not random, but instead the information is highly organized.

So DNA is mathematically identical to a language, and what language has ever risen without an intelligent cause? So DNA bears the mark of an intelligent Cause.
Would you consider the following acts to be "sometimes" or "always" wrong?

1) Torturing babies for fun.
2) Priests sexually abusing children and church leaders covering it up.

3) Rape.
4) Murder of innocent people.

Most, if not all, of us would agree that all above acts is always wrong.

So what are ingredients do you need to objectively define moral values or duties:
Firstly you need a Standard: This provides a measure of what's good or bad; or right and wrong (e.g. If a moral standard is "do not murder"; then any act of murder fails against that standard and is thus immoral).

Secondly you need an Authority: This is someone who has the right to impose the standard and enforce adherence.
What/who is mankind morally obligated to? Real moral obligation exists!

 Praise Yah

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