Thursday 27 October 2016

In the Flesh

In the flesh (the world system) everything is important to the outwardly eye, like what people think of you, how people see you – example the way you dress, how successful you are – example work, how clever you are – example how many University degrees you have, how rich you are – example your own holiday house at the coast, how big your house or expensive car you have and how many friends you have in high places.

These are things that concern a person living in the flesh!
But when you have Messiah's Spirit truthfully in you, the above things does not matter. They are elementary things that we did before we came know Yahusha Messiah (Jesus).

Looks does not matter, the house you live in does not matter and no longer is money/riches a concern.
Paul (Shaul) said that a body that is dead, ceases from sin. The carnal nature of man (flesh) is so much powerful than we realize it. It quietly takes over, demanding worship from every person.
Days are coming when all people will be given over to what they have loved the most, it’s true, and this is coming and has already started.
The righteous one not living in the flesh does not fear man!
Like the one popular song says; I no longer fear, because I am a child of God (Heavenly Father Yahuah)! Without His presence, there is no fear for sinning, no conscious of the sin!
Messiah is everlasting life; nobody can have everlasting life without Messiah Yahusha. You cannot live in the fleshy mind, desiring and striving for the world’s entertainment. You just cannot do both, you need to make a choice: entertainment of the world or the path of Messiah seeking His kingdom now while you are here on earth.
No matter how a good person you are, no matter how many people you help, how many good deeds you do, if they are without the Messiah, all these worldly deeds means nothing. They are the deeds of the flesh!
You have to live the Messiah, the passions and desires of the flesh is dead - Galatians 5:24.
Messiah is an example as to how we should walk - 1 Peter 2:21, for to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps…
Paul says we must imitate him.  1 Corinthians 11:1, become imitators of me, as I also am of Messiah.
1 John 2:6, the one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.
We must stop playing around; we may not have enough time! Just like in Noah’s time people were playing around! We need to learn from their mistakes. Ask Father to search your heart! Father please search my heart, show me your way!

 Praise Yah

Friday 21 October 2016

The heart counts!

Your heart is what Heavenly Father looks at!

Not talking about the organ that's in the middle of your chest that beats and circulates blood through the body....
The heart in scripture, what Father is talking about is your inner soul, it's what "makes” you, YOU! Your inner thoughts, the part that is unique to be only you, there is no one that is you.

No one thinks like you, acts like you or has the same DNA as you. 
It is not important to Father how you look, how you dress, comb your hair, how thin or fat you are.

It does not matter if you're rich or poor, famous or successful in work or as a sports person.

Being a good person, is not important, it is your heart that counts!
When Heavenly Father Yahuah sent Samuel the prophet to go and anoint the new King, Samuel came into this one city and saw a person called Eliyah. Samuel thought it was Eliyah he had to anoint as king - 1 Samuel 16:6.

But Yahuah said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him, for not as man sees, for man looks at the eyes (outwardly), but Yahuah looks at the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7. 
A person can present himself to other people as being a good person and at home be someone else and believe nobody will find out.

We can hide things away from our wife or husband or talk bad about other people behind their backs and we would get away with it.
With Father nothing is hidden!

Father knows every secret, every move even what we will do tomorrow, in a month, in a year, He knows our heart.
Psalm 139:1-4, O Yahuah, You have searched me And know me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought from afar. You sift my path and my lying down, and know well all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But see, O Yahuah, You know it all!

How are we worshipping Father, by lips (talk) or is it by our heart (soul/mind).
Father knows if it is by the lips or by the heart.

When Samuel meets David as the shepherd boy, Father told Samuel to anoint David, as Father chose him to be the King.
Father saw David's heart and knew He could trust him.

 Let's pray for Heavenly Father's guidance, so His Spirit makes our heart clean and true so Father can look into our heart and only see cleanness.
Psalm 86:11-12, teach me Your way, O Yahuah; let me walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your Name. I praise You, O Yahuah my Elohim, with all my heart, and I esteem Your Name forever.

Praise Yah

Friday 14 October 2016

The Bride of Messiah and of man

What are the difference between the Bride of Scriptures (Bible) and the Bride of the Western culture?
Think about this for a while and ask yourself; is there a difference between the two?
I just recently celebrated my wedding anniversary and decided to surprise my wife by reading our original vow we made to each other on our wedding day. The bigger surprise was when I read to her a new vow which is similar to our original one except I added/modified the old one, below is the original and new one I read to her.

Original vow above and added vow below;

Beautiful, is it not! I think it is!
That same night, I woke up thinking about the vow I read out to my bride and then I thought about Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) and Him preparing to meet His Bride.
I then realized that Messiah’s wedding sequence of the engagement to the wedding day is not the same as our wedding sequence. In fact it is completely different. I then studied the scripture to find what the difference is! See if you can spot the difference!
Proposal and engagement to the bride
Exodus 19: 3 – 12, and Mosheh (Moses) went up to Elohim, and Yahuah called to him from the mountain, saying, “This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob, and declare to the children of Israel: ‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians (Mitsrites), and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. ‘And now, if you diligently obey My voice, and shall guard My covenant, then you shall be My treasured possession above all the peoples – for all the earth is Mine – ‘and you shall be to Me a reign of priests and a set-apart nation.’ Those are the words which you are to speak to the children of Israel.” And Mosheh came and called for the elders of the people, and set before them all these words which Yahuah commanded him. And all the people answered together and said, “All that Yahuah has spoken we shall do.” So Mosheh brought back the words of the people to Yahuah. And Yahuah said to Mosheh, “See, I am coming to you in the thick cloud, so that the people hear when I speak with you, and believe you forever.” And Mosheh reported the words of the people to Yahuah. And Yahuah said to Mosheh, “Go to the people and set them apart today and tomorrow. And they shall wash their garments, and shall be prepared by the third day. For on the third day Yahuah shall come down upon Mount Sinai before the eyes of all the people. “And you shall make a border for the people all around, saying, ‘Take heed to yourselves that you do not go up to the mountain or touch the border of it. Whoever touches the mountain shall certainly be put to death.
 We need to obey His voice. We see this same condition laid down in John. 3:36, our Messiah being the embodiment of His Father’s voice!
It is here that Yahuah proposed to Israel and they accepted, they became engaged to Yahuah. Israel had to hear Yahuah’s voice and obey it. They had the choice not to accept His voice but they accepted.
This is the same point as to when a man asks a woman if she will be engaged to him and then she will accept or reject.

What about Yahusha Messiah: He has proposed to us by His salvation and we can accept it or reject it! When you accept Messiah you are engaged to Him. You heard His voice and obey it. Presently we as believers are engaged to Messiah.
Next Yahuah instructs Israel to go and prepare for the wedding day by getting cleaned and by washing their clothes and themselves.

The same with Messiah today; we are washed by His blood (repented) and we are cleaning ourselves and keeping ourselves clean for the big day to come. The bride (believers) is preparing to meet Messiah (Bridegroom). We, the believers must be ready at all times making sure we do not miss that day when He comes to fetch His bride. 

As engaged couple (man and woman), they too are preparing for the big day. The man (Bridegroom) goes and prepares his home for his bride to be. He works long hours to get his home ready. The same with the woman (Bride), she goes to cleanse herself by getting her body in perfect shape to make (or buy) the perfect dress for the special day.
The Wedding
Exodus 19:16-20, and it came to be, on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain. And the sound of the ram’s horn was very loud, and all the people who were in the camp trembled. And Mosheh brought the people out of the camp to meet with Elohim, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. And Mount Sinai was in smoke, all of it, because Yahuah descended upon it in fire. And its smoke went up like the smoke of a furnace, and all the mountain trembled exceedingly. And when the blast of the ram’s horn sounded long and became louder and louder, Mosheh spoke, and Elohim answered him by voice. And Yahuah came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain. And Yahuah called Mosheh to the top of the mountain, and Mosheh went up.
And Yahuah spoke all the 10 Words (10 Commandments) the wedding gift (The covenant) before Israel – Exodus 20:1-17.
Exodus 20:22, and Yahuah said to Mosheh, “Say this to the children of Israel: ‘You yourselves have seen that I have spoken to you from the heavens. Verse 23 – 26 and Exodus Chapter 21, 22 & 23, is the covenant instructions for His bride to obey.

What did the people answer to this Covenant (marriage contract): Exodus 24:3, and Mosheh came and related to the people all the Words of Yahuah and all the right-rulings. And all the people answered with one voice and said, “All the Words which Yahuah has spoken we shall do.”

The marriage contract (Covenant) was agreed upon and signed off! Yahuah married His bride.
Was this marriage Covenant conditional or unconditional? The Covenant had conditions to it. The love was conditional.

When a man and a woman get married after a period of been engaged, they make a marriage vow to each other and sign a register which is witnessed by two people.
But our human marriage is slightly different to Father Yahuah’s wedding to Israel as He had conditions to His Covenant. The love was conditional.
The human marriage does not have conditions to it; in fact we are taught that love is unconditional.
We find no unconditional love in scripture; love is conditionally according to Yahuah. Salvation given by Messiah is unconditional but not love.
Why then do we humans not include conditions in our marriage vow? I believe if we have conditions in our marriage contract there would be less confusion and divorces.
Think about how it would be if two people getting married had conditions in there vow to each other, example the Bridegroom may say: My conditions of my love to you my bride is: Be honest, be true to me, do not be a drunk, do not take drugs, be faithful and so on. The Bride may say: My conditions of my love to you my husband are all of Yahuah’s Torah (Instructions). This marriage has conditions to it and both bridegroom and bride agree to them on their wedding day.
This will be the same when the Messiah comes for His Bride, there will also be conditions. In fact there is conditions even now for been engaged to Messiah Yahusha. Think about it!
We accept Messiah’s proposal to be engaged to Him, when we repent, be baptize in water and believe in Him – we are engaged to Him.
Is there a condition to this engagement? Yes, it is conditional love! Messiah says, “If you love me, keep My commands.” This engagement is conditional!
The Bridegroom (Yahusha Messiah) has set engagement conditions and He is away preparing the house for His bride.
What is His bride (the believers) doing in the meantime? We are busy preparing ourselves to be ready for when He comes? We are busy getting ourselves ready by ensuring we live clean lives removing all uncleanness from our past life style. We are getting to know Him better through studying His word and doing His work. How do we do this? Our Scripture (Bible) is our guideline. The Bridegroom will only accept those who abided to His conditions (Commands).
Remember the parable of the 10 virgins! Only 5 were ready to enter with the Bridegroom, they stuck to the conditions Messiah told them to follow, but the other 5 He told to leave because they were not ready as they thought they had unconditional love and could do what they wanted.
What I have realized while writing this down is the following;
In our western culture all the attention is placed on the bride, from the day of the engagement right down to the day of the wedding. We also see that the Bridegroom waits at the altar for the Bride to come in. The Bride decides when to come to the Bridegroom.
We see after the wedding that the attention to the bride slowly but surely fades away.
According to the scripture, all the attention is on the Bridegroom, right from the engagement till the day of the wedding, all about the Bridegroom. Also the bride waits for the Bridegroom. The Bridegroom decides when to come to the bride.

What happens after the marriage: all attention goes to the bride. After the marriage between Elohim and Israel at Mt Sinai, Father (Bridegroom) gave all His attention to Israel (Bride) by leading them, feeding them, protecting them and fighting for them. This will be the same when Messiah comes for His Bride, He will give all His attention to His bride and it will never fade away.
Why is there a difference?
We got the whole sequence the wrong way round and also we are taught that love is unconditional.
That is why we are struggling to keep our focus on Messiah the Bridegroom, it is because we are under the impression that no matter what we do the Bridegroom will take us for His Bride one day.
The day we realize Messiah Yahusha has conditions to His love that is the day all our attention will be turned to Him!
His love for us has conditions and if we proclaim to love Him, we need to abide to His conditional love.
How about our human marriage: let’s set conditions to our marriage! Let’s change the sequence of the roles between the bridegroom and the bride (engagement to wedding)!

Let’s set our standard of the conditions and sequence of the bridegroom/bride according to the word of Yahuah.

If we love each other, then we would also abide by each other’s conditions.

Praise YAH

Friday 7 October 2016

The book of James - Chapter 2

Verse 1, my brothers, do not hold the belief of our Master Yahusha Messiah, the Master of esteem, with partiality. 

Partiality – bias, prejudice, favouritism or unfairness. There is only one belief, meaning do not have a different believe system between certain people. There is only one way in believing in Messiah not different ways and this belief is expressed to other people in the same way. 

Verse 2 – 4, for if there should come into your meeting a man with gold rings, in a splendid robe, and there should also come in a poor one dressed in rags, and you pay attention to the one wearing the splendid robe and say to him, “You sit here in a good place,” and say to the poor one, “You stand there,” or, “Sit here by my feet,” have you not discriminated among yourselves, and become judges with wicked thoughts? 

Ya’aqob or Yaakov (James) is straight forward! This happened in his time and still happens today. Nothing is new under the sun! We all are guilty of doing this at one or more times. It is not wrong to be with someone that shares the same belief or culture as you do but what Ya’aqob is saying is not to give a rich or well-dressed person that shares the same belief as you a better place to sit then a poor or unwell-dressed person that shares the same belief, to sit at the back of the room on the floor. Do not look at the outwardly side of a person but treat everyone equally in belief. This verse is not about the unbeliever vs. the believer or poor vs. the rich or ugly looking vs. the good looking. It is about the poor believer vs. the rich believer or the ugly looking believer vs. the good looking believer or the one believer that gives little vs. the one believer that gives many. Not treating the one better than the other. 

Verse 5, listen, my beloved brothers: Has Elohim not chosen the poor of this world, rich in belief and heirs of the reign which He promised to those who love Him? 

Elohim choses those who truly believe in Him! To Messiah it does not matter how that person looks like, it is his/her heart that Messiah sees, not if he is rich or poor, neatly dressed or in rags, pretty or ugly, fat or thin, educated or uneducated! If you believe in Messiah and accepted Him, He has chosen you no matter whom or how you are. Do not confuse this with living in sin, example, murdering, homosexuality, lying, stealing, and adultery and so on! That is what rich in belief means; doing what Messiah asks you to do, like not committing adultery for example. 

Verse 6-7, but you have shown disrespect towards the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts? Do they not blaspheme that good Name by which you are called? 

The believer who is poor should be treated in the same way as the rich believer! Most of the rich only wants status and most will stop at nothing achieving this. The rich wants to be richer and they will drag anyone to the courts that come against them. Most of the self-seeking ones do not need Yahusha Messiah and will disregard a believer in Messiah and call him/her many ugly names. 

Verse 8-9, if you truly accomplish the sovereign law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself,” you do well, but if you show partiality, you commit sin, being found guilty by the Torah as transgressors. 

If you truly love Messiah, obey Him and keep His commands, you will treat all believers equally and love them. But if you show unfairness to your fellow believer, you are committing sin and are guilty of breaking the commandments. 

Verse 10, for whoever shall guard all the Torah, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. 

This verse warns us once again to keep all Ten Words (commandments). If you struggle to do one command, you are guilty of breaking all. 

Verse 11, for He who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of Torah. 

Messiah also said if you look at a woman and lust after her, you have committed adultery in your heart. Anyone that keeps the Torah but supports abortion or homosexuality is a transgressor of the Torah. 

Verse 12 – 13, so speak and so do as those who are to be judged by a Torah of freedom. For the judgment is without compassion to the one who has shown no compassion. And compassion boasts over judgment. 

The Torah of freedom is placed in your heart and you continue in it, not becoming a hearer that forgets, but a doerer that remembers. Blessing is for you doing the Torah. The one that does not show compassion to anyone during his/her life must not expect compassion on judgement day. Show compassion rather than judging. Does not mean you may not judge but remember to be compassion while helping someone in the right direction. 

Verse 14, my brothers, what use is it for anyone to say he has belief but does not have works? This belief is unable to save him. 

Talk the talk or worship by lips only, will not get anyone into Yahusha’s kingdom. Your belief must come from the heart not only from talking. Do you love Elohim, if you do, do what He asks you to do. You cannot only be a hearer and not do what you hear! Deeds are the evidence of your faith as Yahuah's spirit is not barren and if there is no deed to back up your faith, then you don't have any faith.

Verse 15 – 17, and if a brother or sister is naked and in need of daily food, but one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” but you do not give them the bodily needs, what use is it? So also belief, if it does not have works, is in itself dead. 

Good example of believe without works. If your brother needs food and you tell him you are sorry to hear that he/she has no food and say to him/her that you will pray for him to receive food but you do not give him/her something to eat, is the same as belief without works. 

Verse 18, but someone might say, “You have belief, and I have works.” Show me your belief without your works, and I shall show you my belief by my works. 

What fruit do you bear? Believe must bear fruit! Being a good person is not bearing fruit of belief! Doing Father’s will, doing as Messiah does is bearing fruit of faith. 

Verse 19, you believe that Elohim is one. You do well. The demons also believe – and shudder! 

Can you see the difference in belief! Demons believe too but do they show the works of belief? No they do not! 

Verse 20, but do you wish to know, O foolish man, that the belief without the works is dead? 

O you stupid fool, if you do not have works of believe, you are dead. Many are taught only to say they believe in Messiah and do nothing else. You can continue to live in sin and still say you believe in Messiah and that is okay. Remember verse 19, the demons also believe!

Verse 21 – 22, was not Abraham our father declared right by works when he offered Yitssaq (Isaac) his son on the altar? Do you see that the belief was working with his works, and by the works the belief was perfected? 

Abraham was a good example who believed Father Yahuah by doing what Father asked him to do with regards to his son Isaac. Abraham was prepared to offer up his son because he trusted Father and believed Him. And because Abraham believed and obeyed, he was blessed. Abraham’s belief was perfect belief. 

Verse 23, and the Scripture was filled which says, “Abraham believed Elohim, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness.” And he was called, “Elohim’s friend.” 

Abraham was blessed with many promises because he did what Yahuah asked him to do. Abraham had a very close relationship with Elohim. Genesis 15:6, and he believed in Yahuah, and He reckoned it to him for righteousness. This is how Abram’s (Abraham’s) walk with Elohim began, followed by what we read in 17:1, and it came to be when Abram was ninety-nine years old, that Yahuah appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Âl Shaddai – walk before Me and be perfect (Messiah gives the same command in Matthew. 5:48). Then we read in 26:5 how Yahuah bears witness of Abraham; because Abraham obeyed My voice and guarded My Charge: My commands, My laws, and My Torot (Torah).” Isaiah 41.8, “But you, Israel, are My servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham My friend 

Verse 24, you see, then, that a man is declared right by works, and not by belief alone. 

Belief alone is not good enough, need works of belief! People and Elohim need to see the fruits of your believe not just lip talking. Actions speak louder than words! 

Verse 25, in the same way, was not Rahab the whore also declared right by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way? 

Remember her in Joshua 2 (Yahusha) when she put her life on the line to guard the Israelite spies that came to Jericho. She did not only believe in Almighty, she took action to protect the people that where from the Almighty.  

Verse 26, for as the body without the spirit is dead, so also the belief is dead without the works. 

You are dead when you no longer have the spirit, so too are you dead when your belief is without doing!

Praise Yah