Thursday 27 October 2016

In the Flesh

In the flesh (the world system) everything is important to the outwardly eye, like what people think of you, how people see you – example the way you dress, how successful you are – example work, how clever you are – example how many University degrees you have, how rich you are – example your own holiday house at the coast, how big your house or expensive car you have and how many friends you have in high places.

These are things that concern a person living in the flesh!
But when you have Messiah's Spirit truthfully in you, the above things does not matter. They are elementary things that we did before we came know Yahusha Messiah (Jesus).

Looks does not matter, the house you live in does not matter and no longer is money/riches a concern.
Paul (Shaul) said that a body that is dead, ceases from sin. The carnal nature of man (flesh) is so much powerful than we realize it. It quietly takes over, demanding worship from every person.
Days are coming when all people will be given over to what they have loved the most, it’s true, and this is coming and has already started.
The righteous one not living in the flesh does not fear man!
Like the one popular song says; I no longer fear, because I am a child of God (Heavenly Father Yahuah)! Without His presence, there is no fear for sinning, no conscious of the sin!
Messiah is everlasting life; nobody can have everlasting life without Messiah Yahusha. You cannot live in the fleshy mind, desiring and striving for the world’s entertainment. You just cannot do both, you need to make a choice: entertainment of the world or the path of Messiah seeking His kingdom now while you are here on earth.
No matter how a good person you are, no matter how many people you help, how many good deeds you do, if they are without the Messiah, all these worldly deeds means nothing. They are the deeds of the flesh!
You have to live the Messiah, the passions and desires of the flesh is dead - Galatians 5:24.
Messiah is an example as to how we should walk - 1 Peter 2:21, for to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps…
Paul says we must imitate him.  1 Corinthians 11:1, become imitators of me, as I also am of Messiah.
1 John 2:6, the one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.
We must stop playing around; we may not have enough time! Just like in Noah’s time people were playing around! We need to learn from their mistakes. Ask Father to search your heart! Father please search my heart, show me your way!

 Praise Yah

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