Wednesday 28 June 2017

Faith & Praise

Faith means acting on what He the Creator has said to you personally, from His Word, from His Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) and to your spirit directly-- with firm belief that what He has said, He is well able to do!

Faith that is genuine, acts, declares, and praises Yahuah.

Faith is – to boldly go forth in praise and action based on what He has already said!!!

We are facing some very powerful forces of evil in our world today, which are only going to get worse before Messiah comes.
Using His Name and His Word in praise is the most powerful of all the weapons of our warfare! All of us can stand in the face of crushing blows from the enemy and declare: “Yahuah reigns!” 

We can all declare from Isaiah chapters 40-45: “I am Yahuah, and besides Me there is no other god”.

We can all declare the powerful Psalms. We can all declare His might in creation. We can all declare Yahusha’s (Jesus) right to sit on the throne in Jerusalem. We can all declare His right to rule the universe and all that is in it. We can all declare the coming of Messiah, to rule and reign over the earth! 

We can all praise Messiah for His salvation. The enemy will run from that!

It is when we submit our minds to his manipulation, and get into whining, complaining, fear, anxiety, stress, worry, and negative thoughts, that the enemy has an open door to slip through.

Heavenly Father uses faith – faith in what He has said. Everything He does is from faith in response to the words out of His mouth.

Isaiah 55:8-11, “…My Word that goes out of My mouth—it does not return to Me empty, but shall do what I please, and shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for”!

The best spiritual warfare is you’re declaring and proclaiming His victory.
When you praise – your faith is raised and proclaimed.

Praise is the confession of faith, but also praise makes our faith rise to new heights, so that we soar like an eagle!

We praise You Almighty Yah!

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