Thursday 22 June 2017

Father's sadness

In Jeremiah 2, Heavenly Father Yahuah speaks to His prophet regarding Israel's disobedience and idolatry.
Verse 2, Father says He remembers how His people came after Him, with loving commitment.
Verse 3, Israel was set apart to Heavenly Father and in verse 5, Father asks Israel what unrighteous has He done to them that they rejected Him.
Verse 7, Father tells them that when He brought them into the Promised Land they defiled it and made His inheritance an abomination.
Verse 8, everyone rejected Father, even the priests, those who taught the Torah and the prophets prophesied by Baal (Lords of the Canaanites).
In verse 9, Father says he will still contend (judge) them and also contend their children's children.
His chosen people have saddened Father by doing 2 evils, namely: forsaken Him and going after false idols. This complete chapter is the sinning of Israel and how these sins sadden Heavenly Father Yahuah. Even when the people were busy disobeying Yahuah, they still expected His help whenever they were in trouble (verse 6).

Today the same thing is occurring, we only need Him when we are in trouble or when there is sickness but when everything is going well we then put Him back on the shelf till the day we need Him again.
We use Him like a vending machine.
Israel wanted the entertainment of other nation’s idols but still wanted to be able to ask Father Yahuah for help.
It is done the same manner today, we serve Father in certain times and most other times participate with the wicked ones of the world.
Father has a lot of mercy but His patience does eventually run out.
We have been taught since childhood to tolerate what Yah hates.

Jeremiah 2:19, Yahuah says to the people that it is evil that caused them to forsake Him and they no longer fear Him.

In today times there is also no fear of hurting Heavenly Father! If we feared Him we would stay away from sin but it is being said that Father was only feared in the Old Testament.

Today He is no longer the Creator that punishes us; we are allowed to do what we want as there is no more fear of our lawless actions.
Verse 20 & 27, Father tells us of the people worshipping a green tree on a hill with idols/whores under the tree.
Can this be a similar green tree most people have in their house during the December holidays were presents are put under the tree?

In verse 23, the people said that they have not defiled the land by going after Baal worship (they saw mix worshipping of Father and Baal as okay, which is similar today).
Verse 25-26, Yahuah says that they must stay away from these things but the people did not listen.

And when they are caught out they feel ashamed but still they do not repent (turn back) and follow Heavenly Father truly.
Verse 28-29, people look at Yah only when in trouble just as most people do today.
In the last verse (37) of Jeremiah 2, Yahuah says to Israel they will also leave these false gods (get tired of them) and go to another idol.

He will reject them and they will not prosper.

Think about this for a moment, are you truly following Him or are you mixing the Almighty Father with other things of the world.

Scripture is very clear that Father will not accept mix or half-hearted worshipping.

Repent, turn away from the worldly system and follow Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.

Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) is the only way.

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