Monday 10 July 2017

False Prophet of Chronicles

In II Chronicles 18, we have an amazing story that tells the difference between the false prophets and true Prophet. Ahab, King of Israel, wants to go to war. Visiting him is Jehoshaphat, King of Judah. Jehoshaphat is married to Ahab’s daughter. Ahab wants Jehoshaphat to go to war with him against neighboring enemies. Jehoshaphat asks Ahab to consult with prophets of Heavenly Father, but Ahab brings in his own 400 prophets that tell him what he wants to hear.

False prophets are often found in groups.

They tell Ahab to go up against his enemies and he will win. Jehoshaphat is skeptical. He asks if there is a prophet of Almighty Yahuah that could be consulted. Ahab says that there is one, Mikayehu, but Ahab hates him because he always prophesies doom for Ahab. But, Mikayehu is summoned. Out of fear, Mikayehu prophecies like the false prophets. But, Ahab knows that it is not true.

He says, in II Chronicles 18:15: “How many times have I made you swear not to speak to me except in the truth, in the name of Yahuah.” 
The bottom line is that Mikayehu then gave Ahab Heavenly Father's prophecy. 

He said that Ahab would die in battle if he went to war.
Mikayehu concludes in II Chronicles 18:22: “And now, see, Yahuah has put a spirit of falsehood in the mouth of these prophets of yours and Heavenly Father has spoken evil concerning you.”
Ahab is furious. 

He puts Mikayehu in prison.

Out of fear, Ahab has Jehoshaphat dress up like him. But, the enemy is not fooled. 
Ahab dies in battle.

Ahab knew Mikayehu was telling the truth, but he chose to go anyway.

This is the sickness of almost all of Heavenly Father's people right now! They know what is true, but they chose to do what they want to do anyway!

They put away truth from them as surely as Ahab locked up Mikayehu.

Truth sets you free! Do not hide truth!

Yah, please open up our eyes to your truth.

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