Thursday 20 July 2017

Ministers and witnesses

Messiah left us a system of local “ecclesia”-- a gathering, assembly, or congregation, to be overseen by a multiplicity of “elders” appointed by Apostles, and guarded by His true Prophets, who were the foundation layers. “Ecclesia” is known as church to the Christian but what the Christian got mixed up with is they call a building made out of bricks, church where the scripture tells us our body is the church. Messiah dwells in each one of us – our body becomes a Dwelling Place (Church) for Messiah and the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit. Many Believers who have the Messiah/Holy Spirit dwelling in them, gather (assemble or congregate) together as one body.

Ephesians 2:19-22, So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the set-apart ones and members of the household of Elohim, having been built upon the foundation of the emissaries and prophets, Yahusha Messiah Himself being chief corner-stone, in whom all the building, being joined together, grows into a set-apart Dwelling Place in Yahusha, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of Elohim in the Spirit.

But, these overseers were never meant to be our source of instruction and guidance. The Spirit of Yahuah (Heavenly Father) must never be in powered by human leaders!

Our freedom is found in following the Master, not being enslaved to a religious system!

Revelation 2 and 3, Messiah says He hates the teachings and deeds of those who have a “clergy-laity” system called “the Nicolaitanes,” clergy ruling the “laity.”

There is no “laity” as opposed to a clergy in the congregation of Messiah.

We are all ministers and witnesses with differing gifts. This thinking has taken from us that Body-life that Yahusha (Jesus) Messiah wants us to have in relationship to one another.

We do need righteous overseers, but not controllers!
II Corinthians 5:17-21: “…If anyone is in Messiah, he is a new creation – old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of Elohim, who has restored us to favor with Himself through Yahusha Messiah, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is that Elohim was in Messiah restoring the world to favor unto Himself, not reckoning their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation to favor. Therefore, we are ambassadors on behalf of Messiah, as though Elohim was pleading through us. We beg you on behalf of Messiah, be reconciled to favor with Elohim.

You have a “calling.”

Begin to share your testimony of your salvation with others, pleading if necessary that they be restored to our loving Father.

All believers have gifts. No one is inferior to anyone else!
The authority differs with the gift, but we are to love one another equally, and respect and build up each other’s supernatural, Spirit-given gifts and natural talents.

Yah, guide us to use our gifts!

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