Thursday 12 October 2017


Jeremiah 10:2 is a command: “Thus says Yahuah, `do not learn the ways of the heathen!’ ” And, do not practice the ways of the heathen (Gentle).

It is an abomination in His sight.  We must literally hate what He hates, despising what He despises, and flee from what He calls “defiled,”--“the fear of Yahuah is to hate evil.” He commands us to be more set-apart now than ever before, because the evil is intensifying.

“Be set-apart for I am set apart.”  If we belong to Yahuah, disengaging from what He hates is foundational action in showing our loyalty to Him! You’re not loyal to Him if you enjoy what He hates!  Yahuah is a jealous Elohim (God) over those He loves--those who are in His family who love Him. He is the Elohim of Light. The Word is clear about the character traits of the nature of Yahuah. If you willfully, defiantly, and rebelliously, go outside of His nature to do what you will, you have aligned with His enemy, whose only law is: “Do as thou wilt.” Evil is always wrapped in a cloak of light (II Corinthians 11:13-15).

Faith is built through testing, discipline, suffering, hardships, obedience, and submission of our will to Him. Maintaining loyalty to Yahuah builds faith in His abilities! Learning His nature, how He does things, and how He thinks, is imperative to overcoming the enemy. We’re in a battle to the eternal end! The only way we’ll make it through to stand before the son of man and receive rewards is to totally give ourselves to Him to control us, teach us, discipline us, and prepare us.  Loyalty to Him as our King is mandatory for survival.

Those not solidly loyal to Yahuah in every aspect of life, in mind, emotions, and actions, will be swiftly swept into the camp of Satan who already has a grip on most people’s minds.  If you are not actively allowing the Spirit of Yahuah to rule your life, then Lucifer through your sin-prone carnal nature is in control – leading you ever down the road to damnation.

Those who are sold out to Yahuah in absolute loyalty, and passionately from their Spirit submit to all that He says to think, do, speak, and act, are the ones who have freedom!!!
John 8: 31-32, 34, 36: “And Yahusha said to those Jews who believed in Him, `If you stay in My Word you are truly My disciples (taught ones), and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free…Truly, truly, I say to you that everyone doing sin is a slave to sin…If the Son makes you free, you are free indeed.’ ”

The loyal remnant of Yahuah, who are blood-bought by Yahusha, are indeed the “Few.”  By the Spirit of Yahuah, they see through lies and deceptions by His Spirit.

Woe to those that tolerate evil, and thus condone it – and allow it in their homes.  Those who are loyally locked into the mind of Messiah cannot be mind-programmed by the evil one. If your spirit and soul are sealed by Yahuah, you cannot be marked by the enemy, but the enemy can kill the body. Thus, Messiah warns in Matthew 10:28 not to fear those that can kill the body, but to fear Yahuah, who can destroy both body and soul in hell.
Learn what Yahuah is doing. Align to His mind!  Keep your eyes focused on the victorious coming of Yahusha Messiah!  Prepare to be a part of His Kingdom. “Seek Yahuah while He may be found…”

We’re either loyally with Him 100% without compromise, or we’re loyal to our self. If we’re stubbornly loyal to our self, He’s already left us to our self.  Aligning totally to the coming King is the only sane thing to do if you want to escape like Noah in these “days of Noah.” Promises of escape without discipline, hardship, tribulation, and purging of our sin, is the Devil’s illusion.
II Corinthians 6:14-7:1: “`Come out from among them and be separate’ says Yahuah, `and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you. And I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me’ says Yahuah the Almighty. Having, then, these promises beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of the flesh and spirit, perfecting set-apartness in the fear of Elohim.” 

I John 2:15-17: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 
Yahuah seeks a family who is loyal to Him!

II Corinthians 10:3-6: “The weapons we fight with are not fleshly but mighty in Elohim for overthrowing strongholds, overthrowing reasoning, and every high thing, that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim--taking captive every thought and making it obedient to Messiah…” 

After all, He is the Creator, and we are the created!  He is smarter than we are!  So, the most intelligent thing any of us can do is to allow Him to take over, and get out of our houses and our lives everything that He hates!

II Timothy 2:3-5: “Suffer hardship with us as a good soldier of Yahusha Messiah.

No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life, in order to please only him who enlisted him to be a soldier.” Do not fear hardship and suffering, testing, trials, and endurance-training, that helps prepare us to endure and overcome against the enemy. If you are really born of the Spirit, you were born into a battle, first within yourself, and then around you.  As good soldiers we must know the enemy well, who he is, what his weapons are, what his plans are, what the symbols and signs are of his agents, how to detect him in a crowd, and how to use our “weapons of warfare that are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.”
Our nature reveals who we are loyal to! Those loyal to self, which is the most common human nature, are morphing more and more into the mentality of the dark kingdom, losing any light they might have had in a precious belief-system. :  “Yes, we need confirmation of what He says and show us, but He needs confirmation of our loyalty to Him!”  He is calling out to His servants “Are you with Me?”

Loyalty!  The tests are meant to separate.  “The Test of Job" is the big one:  Who is in control? Who is Elohim? Who is the created being?

Sit alone with Him and speak out loud--verbally telling Him of your loyalty, your pledge to obey, your desire to go with Him all the way, not matter the cost to you personally.  He will take you at your word!  Confirm to Him what is in your heart – for He knows it already anyway. But He wants to hear it from your mouth, speaking from your spirit, not from your intellectual mind. The proof of who has control of you is in the daily decisions of the will! If your will submits to Yahuah, then the outcome of all that you do and say will be pleasing to Him. If your will rebels and you go with what your carnal mind dictates to you – the outcome will be death – first of the spirit, then of the soul, then of the body.

Where is your loyalty?

It is demonstrated every morning when you wake up, and by the priorities of your life that you choose during each day. So people get student loans, which have to be paid off over time, buy a big house on a 30 year mortgage, which of course needs nice furniture and decorations.  The more people get, the more they want. The more they want, the more they get. And who tells them what to want? Advertising!  If you turn off the avid mind-programming advertising industry in your life, you’ll save lots of money, time, and effort.

We are not called upon to pronounce judgment, condemn, or treat others with contempt or scorn. We are called to walk in His nature.  But, notice that Messiah rebuked the wrong when necessary, only after He tried to persuade them of their wrong. Often, when they got viciously angry, He just passed on through them and went His way. Let us walk in His nature, with His wisdom!  We are called to help mankind find His salvation, and so our lives should reflect His faithful love. But, not in weakness, tolerating wrong.

How can we stand for righteousness, if our eyes watch sin on the TV, or computer?

Those that want to be in His Kingdom don’t purposely look on what is evil, let alone call it “entertainment.” We must not tolerate wrong in ourselves first of all.  Being led by the Spirit brings wisdom. Loyalty means that we assume His nature, walk in His ways, pattern our lives after His example, and know His heart so that we act like He would act in each situation of our day.
Loyalty – standing up when need be for His right to rule as Creator.

If you are loyal to Him, He will be loyal to you. If you are not loyal to Him, He will not be loyal to you.

Be loyal to Yahuah the Creator!


  1. Nice Page, Gotta Share. Much Love Sister Lisa Hope Cordova.

  2. Hi Sister Lisa, thanks, all glory to the Almighty for giving me His blessing. May you be blessed by Him always. Let us share His Word.

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