Thursday 11 January 2018

Love of Abba Father

Messiah said not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worries of its own. Matthew 6:34 “Do not, then, worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow shall have its own worries. Each day has enough evil of itself.

How true is that! But some days it is difficult not to worry!

How wonderful to know that all we have to do today is to focus on what would bring joy to His heart.
What brings Him joy?

The answer to that question is what brings joy to earthly fathers and parents alike – their children. When children obey their parents out of a willing heart! When children are honest and loyal! When our children get along with each sibling! When our children choose to do the right thing over what their friends may say or think is the right decision... this brings us joy. When our children’s behavior reflects the nature of the Scriptures, which have been used to bring them up in the way of Yahuah – helping them to know the difference between good and evil… this brings us joy. These things bring us, as parents, great joy!

Sometimes parents long for the day when their children grow up and are able to take on their own burden of responsibilities. As parents, though, we will always try to stay involved in their lives – ready to direct them in a moment’s notice. It is good to be needed, especially by the ones whom we have spent so much time with pouring in wisdom, direction, discipline and love.

Is our Heavenly Father, any different? He needs to be needed. He desires to exercise His role as Parent and Guardian – we should simply desire to be the child whose sole effort in life is to completely rely upon the One who chose us out for Himself, from the foundation of the world.

Today and everyday…allow Him to take back the responsibility of being Master over your life, for therein lies the key to living in the fullness of joy!

This truly is what will bring joy to His heart - the joy of having His child's heart, your heart.

“As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Stay in My love. “If you guard My commands, you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My Father’s commands and stay in His love. “These words I have spoken to you, so that My joy might be in you, and that your joy might be complete” - John 15:9-11.

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