Thursday 14 June 2018

Signs of Belief

What are the signs of belief? This is a question I have been asking myself many times!

How much belief do I have, is my belief enough that I could be healed if I asked for it? If I have flu, would I pray for healing and then go see a doctor for medication or do I see the doctor for medication and then pray that I be healed? Is this the Belief that scripture is talking about?

Hear what Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) says in Mark 16:17 what are the signs of someone believing. Firstly He says in verse 16 that those who believed and have been immersed (Baptized), shall be saved and then He says in verse 17 what the signs of Belief are; "And these signs shall accompany the ones who believe: In My Name they shall cast out demons, they shall speak with renewed tongues, they shall take up (pick up) snakes, and if they drink any deadly poison it shall by no means hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall get well."

This is the signs of belief! If you BELIEVE, TRULY BELIEVE with no doubt, then in the Name of Yahusha (Jesus) you would be able to do what He says in verse 17.

So, if I understand Yahusha Messiah correctly, if I have flu, all I need to do is to ask in His Name for healing and believe that I would be healed without going to a doctor for medication.

If I believe in His Name that I would be healed then I shall be healed. Would I be healed at that moment I pray for healing! On many occasions I had received healing only at a later stage and not on the day of asking. Now recently when I had flu I received healing after a few weeks. I do confess that I did ask a few times as to why healing is taking so long. But I also understand that Father has His own time and I need only to be patient and to believe.

And if I truly believe, in His Name I could drive out demons, pick up snakes without being bitten, accidentally drinking poison would not harm me, and I could heal other people who are sick....

This sounds simple, but is it that simple? If you believe then it is simple but if you struggling to believe then it is not that simple.

The question is; would I rather go see a doctor for medication or would I rather pray through Messiah to Father Yahuah (Heavenly Father) and believe He would heal me?

Believing in the one true Creator is the key.

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