Monday 10 September 2018

Do what the Word says (Do faith - Part 2 of 3)

So does a person that now believes in Messiah just say a repentance pray and then all is good to enter the kingdom.

Let's see what the scripture says. James 2:17, So also belief, if it does not have works, is in itself dead.
This verse says that if you have belief in Messiah and you do not do what He says, then belief is dead. A repeat of John 3:36. 

Verse 18; But someone might say, "You have belief, and I have works." Show me your belief without your works, and I shall show you my belief by my works.

Verse 19; You believe that Elohim is one, you do we'll, the demons also believe - and shudder!
Even the demons believe, but are they saved and going to Father's kingdom? No, they are not saved and they will not see Father's kingdom. "Why not" because they believe/hear He exists but they do not do/obey Yahusha (Jesus).

So do you still think you only need to believe.

Listen to verse 20; But do you wish to know, O foolish man, that the belief without the works is dead?

Verse 21; Was not Abraham our father declared right by works (hear and obey) when he offered Isaac his son?

Abraham did not only believe Father Yahuah, he trusted (obeyed) Him, he took his son which he loved so much and was prepared to offer him. He did what Yahuah asked him to do, he did the works by preparing his son for offer, exactly what Father asked him to do.
Father Yahuah stopped Abraham before he killed his son, Abraham believed and he proofed his believe by obeying Father because he trusted Him.

Verse 22; Do you see that the belief was working with his (Abraham) works, and by the works the belief was perfected.

Verse 23; "Abraham believed Elohim, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness."

Verse 24; You see, then, that a man is declared right by works, and not by belief alone.

So you see, your belief must be seen in yours works.

Do not be confused: the works that is mentioned here is not being a good person, helping people, being kind, going to church, donating money or doing good to other people, this is called man-made works (flesh). Works of the flesh is good, but works of belief is essential to each true believer.

The works scripture is talking about is doing what Yahuah or His Son Messiah asks you to do, this is called works (do) by faith/belief.

It is hear (faith) and obey (works).

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