Wednesday 5 September 2018

Command No. 3

Exodus 20:7; You do not bring (or lift up or take) the Name of YHVH (Yahuah) your Elohim to naught, for YHVH does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.

All English scripture (KJV, NIV) uses "Lord" instead of His Name "YHVH."
What does Lord mean . The word Baal means lord or owner. Baal was the Phoenician or Canaanites deity. This word seems to have gradually became a proper name. Baal (Bel, Belos) was also the ancestral and national deity of the Semites and was the founder of Babel (Babylon), according to secular history. He is identified with Zeus, Jupiter and many other deities. Baal is the Babylonian sun-deity (sun god).

English translations say "in vain-KJV / misuse-NIV." Naught means falsifying it, profane it and blaspheming it. Substituting the Name of YHVH with "LORD"or "Lord," as has been done in most translations, is against scripture: (1) It is a transgression of the 3rd Command which prohibits us from bringing His Name to naught. (2) Transgression of the Command in Deuteronomy 4:2, "Do not add to the Word which I command you and do not remove from it. Repeated in Deuteronomy 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, and Revelation 22:18-19. (3) YHVH reproved the prophets in Jeremiah 23:36, "You have changed the Words of the Living Elohim ....... (4) "Lord" is not an innocent title. It goes back to the Roman house-deity, not forgetting that in those days the sovereigns were deities.

Using deity names (other gods) is a transgression of the clear command of Exodus 23:13, Take note, and make no mention of the name of other gods (deities or mighty ones), let it not be heard from your mouth.

Psalms 96:5 & 1 Chronicles 17:26, For all the mighty ones (deities) of the people's are matters of naught. This means that the people's gods are nothing (false).

Ezekiel 20:39, But do not profane My set-apart Name any more with your gifts and your idols.

1 Kings 18:18-40, this is about YHVH against the 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah. Elijah, the prophet of Heavenly Father YHVH challenges the Baal prophets to bring fire to their offering, which they could not do because their Baal's are dead idols. Remember Baal means lord, now read from the KJV or NIV version in 1 Kings 18:21, And Elijah came to the people and said, "How long will you falter between two opinions? If The Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him. " So lord can mean Baal and Baal can mean lord, the question is who are we talking about here. People that know the scriptures might say they know who is who but what about someone that is new in the faith or does not understand scripture. The Hebrew scripture is very clear: 1 Kings 18:21, And Eliyahu (Elijah) came to all the people and said, "How long will you keep hopping between the two opinions? If YHVH is Elohim,  follow Him; and if Baal, follow him. " This is very clear who the Almighty Creator is and who is the false god, just by using His correct Name, we know. This is the reason the 3rd command says do not bring His Name to naught.

In England the people judges and VIP's are called "lords," a cricket field is named "Lords," a pop singer is named "Lorde." How can we use the same Name of the number 1 Person in the universe with people. This is the reason the 3rd command says, do not bring His Name to naught.

The Name of YHVH is brought to naught when man ceases to remember or call upon His Name. The Name of YHVH should not be replaced, and it should not be hidden so that no one knows or calls upon His Name. This is against the command of YHVH.

We must always speak, remember and exalt His Most Set-Apart Name. Once we know His Name, we must properly esteem His Name. When we show respect and reverence for His Name, then we show reverence for YHVH Himself. His Name is precious. His Name is Most Set-Apart. His Name is NOT common.

The Paleo-Hebrew is one of the oldest forms of His Name that we know of, probably the closest to the original written Name. We should be mindful and conscious of the fact that we are saying THE Most Set-Apart Name in the entire universe. His Name is ABOVE every other name. We must be careful with how we LIVE in His Name. When we commit our lives to Yahuah, His Name is written upon us. If we proclaim His Name, we cannot live a life of sin and unrighteousness.

Praise His Name YHVH.

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