Saturday 22 December 2018

Christmas = pagan Holiday

For many this will not be a pleasant message, in fact many may be angry. This message is not written to hurt anyone but the truth must be told.

Many know the truth but many believers do not.

Many Christians have been deceived for many years, I was also deceived all my childhood and most of my adulthood. We have been lied too for many years. Christians celebrate Christmas every year, stating they are celebrating the birth of Jesus (His Hebrew Name - Yahusha).

Even non believers celebrate Christmas.

I have read the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation and studied the four gospels and cannot find any chapter/verse that says the Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) was born on the 25th December.

December in Israel is winter and many a times it snows over this period. The shepherds do not take their live stock out into the fields over this period because of the cold.

The scripture says that the shepherds were out in the field (night) when they saw the sign of the Messiah's birth. It is true the scripture does mention the Messiah's birth in detail, but nowhere in scripture does it give us an instruction to celebrate His birthday every year.

What we need to celebrate every year is His death and resurrection which is on Passover but not His birth. 

No where will you find Santa in scripture (Santa - shuffle the words around and you get satan - strange but true).

No where will  you find a Christmas tree in scripture which must be placed in the house of a believer.

No where will you find an instruction that gifts must be wrapped and be placed under the tree.

Christmas is a pagan holiday and it is a complete abomination to the Almighty Father Yahuah.

Please do not believe me, do your own research (google, read, investigate). If you believe in the Almighty Creator (Yahuah) and His Son the Messiah, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob then you should not be part of the Christmas celebration in any way.

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