Wednesday 12 December 2018


2 Timothy 3:16-17, All Scripture is inspired by Yahuah (Heavenly Father) and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of Elohim (Almighty) may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

The Scriptures are profitable for equipping the people of the Creator.

Let me give you an analogy that someone wrote to illustrate the role of the Scriptures. I enjoyed this comparison and hope you do too!

A man is hired to perform a very technical job in a field that he has no experience in. The business owner (Yahuah/Yahusha) has deemed the man to be a good candidate for the job, as he has an excellent spirit about him. The owner (Elohim) is therefore willing to invest in his training. The owner (Elohim) provides the man with a training manual (Scripture) that reveals to him the entire process of manufacturing the product that they sell. The manual (Scripture) covers everything, from the very beginning, through all the stages of production, to the finished product. The man is encouraged to study the manual (Scripture) carefully, seeking to comprehend the methods of his employer (Elohim). The man is also told that once he begins his job, he can keep the manual (Scripture) to pull it out to be used as a reference when he needs to understand something.
The day comes when the business owner (Elohim) assigns the man his first task. Although the man has studied the manual (scripture), he still needs to receive instruction in his duties, for every employee in the operation has a specific function to fulfil. These functions must be coordinated by management (Holy Spirit), to insure that everything is working harmoniously, and that nothing is being neglected.
At times the employees will also be given changes of assignment, and will be called upon to produce specialty items. The details of these things are not spoken of in the manual (scripture). They must be conveyed through management (Holy Spirit).
Production is also effected by market conditions, and at times there will even be times when production is halted, and other times when production is increased. The owner (Heavenly Father) ultimately controls all of these matters, and the employees must stay in constant contact with him through his managers (Holy Spirit) to discern his will.

In our lives, we have been given the Scriptures to instruct and equip us, but we must daily be guided by the Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) in that which we do. The Holy Spirit is able to interrupt our normal routine and guides us throughout the day. He must also often give us precise instructions to know how to carry out some work of the Father.

There are seasons when Yahuah will increase the manifestation of His divine power, and other times when He will diminish it.

These things are determined by His own counsel, and we must always remain in communication with Him.

Praise Yahuah!

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