Thursday 17 January 2019


Definition of discipline: training people to obey rules, using punishment to correct disobedience, direction, bring into line, penalize, rebuke, improve the behavior. Definition of punishment: penalizing, disciplining, correction.

In Hebrews 12:5-11; tells us that Heavenly Father disciplines just like our parents disciplined us. Listen to what verse 5-6 says; "My son, do not despise the discipline of Yahuah, nor faint when you are reproved by Him, for whom Yahuah loves, He disciplines and punish every son whom He receives." Verse 7; If you endure discipline, Elohim (Almighty) is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom a father does not discipline? Verse 9; our own parents disciplined us and we respected them why then should Yahuah not discipline us. Verse 10; they are disciplined for a few days which is best for them, but He does it for our best interest, so that we stay on the right path. Verse 11; says that discipline is not pleasant at the time, but it is grievous, but afterward it brings fruit of righteousness to those who listen.
NB: I have written some of the verses above in my own words for better understanding but please read them for yourself.

This is the purpose of Him disciplining us, “flogging” us: to set us apart (make us holy), so that we bear the fruit of righteousness. He did the same to Israel.
If we do not allow Yahusha (Jesus) in us to bring us to set-apartness (holiness), so that we bear the fruit of righteousness, it would prove to have been all in vain – we shall not see Him! Hebrews 12:14 Pursue peace with all, and pursue apartness without which no one shall see the Master.

In Deuteronomy 8:2; The Creator Father led Israel in the wilderness for 40 years , to humble and prove them so that they could know what is right and wrong. In the Old Testament, we read in many places how Yahuah disciplined Israel, so does this mean He no longer disciplines us today.
Proverbs 3:11-12  My son, do not despise the discipline of Yahuah, and do not loathe His reproof; For whom Yahuah loves He reproves, as a father the son whom he delights in.

Deuteronomy 8:5-6 “Thus you shall know in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so Yahuah your Elohim disciplines you, therefore you shall guard the commands of Yahuah your Elohim, to walk in His ways and to fear Him.

Believers are made in the image of Elohim, which means we have the same characteristics as our Creator. When we discipline our children, we do it not because we hate them but because we love them, so would it not be the same case with our Heavenly Father, He does it out of love.

Now days, people say we are no longer disciplined by our Creator. You hear people say that He allows bad things to happen, because it is our choices that cause bad things to happen. He has changed His ways now that Yahusha (Jesus) came to redeem us. He disciplined the Israelites and their enemies but today no longer are we disciplined!

I ask myself do we not have a Heavenly Father that is fair, loving and never changes. If He punished those people in the Old Testament and no longer disciplines me, than this means He does change and how fair is this towards the pass generations. The scriptures tells us He does not change, this includes our Messiah, so if He does change than the scripture is not correct, this cannot be!

If I look at the world today, discipline is being removed from the schools and most adults do not have discipline. You see today the lack of discipline in all walks of life no longer being part of us. The youth using drugs, smoking, sleeping around, no respect for parents and getting drunk, all because there is no discipline.

Did our Creator Father Yahuah really remove discipline so that there is chaos, I really do not think so.

Only Satan's world is without discipline. The word discipline has became a bad word to use, it is not acceptable in this time, the times have changed therefore discipline should also change, instead of using discipline we use a smoother word like tolerance. It is the same with the word, abortion or termination of pregnancy or removable of a unwanted fetus, it is a much smoother or softer word than the words "killing a baby."

We are only kidding ourselves, satan has twisted people's minds.

Yahuah will end this once and for all at judgment day and then His ways will be restored.

For those true believers, discipline is part of our walk with Yahusha (Jesus); we receive discipline and we give discipline, example parents to their children.

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