Wednesday 30 January 2019

Worship with lips

The scripture talks about two ways of worshipping or following Father Yahuah. In Isaiah 29:13 Father said that people are seeking Him with their mouth and their lips and they have kept their heart (soul) away from Him. Matthew 15:8-9 & Mark 7:6-7; says that people draw near to Yahuah with their mouth and respect Him with their lips but their heart is far from Him and these people worship Him in vain as teaching the commands of men.

2 Kings 17:19 Yahudah (Judah) did not guard Yahuah's commands but followed made-made laws, other words they followed Yahuah by their mouth and lips but not by their heart.

Ezekiel 33:31 People hear Father's word but they do not do them for with their mouth they show a lot of love but their hearts pursue their greedy gain.

Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) called the Pharisees hypocrites as they knew Yahuah's will and spoke about it but they did not do them or they choose to do them their own way.

Today you hear many people say they are believers! So when I hear someone say they are a Christian, I asked myself "so what does that mean". Does it mean that when a person says he/she is a Christian, they follow Yahusha with their heart. Saying you are a Christian means nothing as it is just a word, equals lip talk. If you are a true believer of Messiah, you will not need to say anything as people will see the Spirit of Messiah in you. The light will shine out of your heart. Not everyone that says they are  followers of Messiah are true because the ways of their walk will be by mouth and by lips.

You will see them by the fruits they bear!

Matthew 7:17-19; A good tree produces good fruit but a rotten tree only produces wicked or bad fruit. True believers bear good fruit but wicked people only bear bad fruit. The people that bear bad fruit are sometimes people that know Yahuah and Yahusha's will but they are lukewarm, other words they follow Him when it suites them or with their mouth and lips. They will confess Messiah today and tomorrow partake in the sin of the world.

In Matthew 7:21-23; Messiah's warning to them, Verse 21; Messiah says that not everyone that says Master, Master ( Lord, Lord) will enter into the Kingdom. These are people that follow Yahuah with their mouth and lips. People that call themselves Christians but are not believers and do not live the truth. Verse 22; Messiah says that many people (priests, pastors, prophets, worship leaders and anybody that say they know Him) shall say that they prophesied in Messiah's Name, cast demons out in His Name or healed in His Name but verse 23, Messiah says that He will declare that He does not know them and that they should depart from Him as they work lawlessness (partaking in sin - not keeping the commands).

These are very strong words from Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) and these words should struck fear in each believer who is following Him by their mouth/lips only, He will tell them to depart from Him because they are living lawlessness.

The gate to life is narrow and very few find it, but the gate to destruction is very wide and sadly many are following it.

Those who have ears let them hear.

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