Monday 10 June 2019

Money for the Word

Many priests, prophets, teachers and believers teach the Word for pay/profits and even for bribes.

This is not new as the prophet Micah said in Micah 3:11, Her heads judge for a bribe (Israel's leaders), her priests teach for pay, and her prophets divine for a price. Yet they lean on Yahuah, and say, "Is not Yahuah in our midst? Evil does not come upon us."

We cannot preach the Word of Yahuah (the good news gospel that Messiah brought) for profit. He gave His Word for truth and for saving His people and for us to spread the gospel to those that have never heard it, not to make money.

He gave it to us for free and we in return must give free. His word is food for us, it gives light, it is life.

Yahusha (Jesus) Messiah said He is the good shepherd and a good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep - John 10:11.

But Messiah says the false priest/prophet is not a good shepherd because they are not concern about the sheep (people) but only the profits they will make - John 10:12.
The hired priest/prophet is just a hireling and is not concerned about the sheep(people) - verse 13.

The good and the great shepherd is concern about His sheep and He does not want to lose one little sheep, Yes, He wants everyone to be saved and therefore calls true believers to be a shepherd to guide His sheep home.
We must listen to the Shepherd - Yahusha Messiah that gave up His life so that we can live forever.

He bought us with a price.

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