Friday 21 June 2019

Psalms 99 - Call His Name

Yahuah reigns, people tremble! He is enthroned on the kerubim (cherubims); The earth shakes!

Everything and everyone will tremble and shake by just saying His Name out loud.

Yahuah is great in Tsiyon, and He is high above all the peoples.

He is above all, there is nothing above Him.

Praise His Name, great and awesome, it (His Name) is set-apart (Holy).

Respect His Name and give Him praise by both your words and your life.

And the strength of the King shall love justice, He shall establish straightness; You shall execute right-ruling and righteousness in Jacob (Israel).

His set-apartness is terribly frightening for sinners, but a wonderful comfort for believers, His set-apartness gives comfort. 

Exalt Yahuah our Elohim, and bow yourselves at His footstool, He is set-apart.

Moses, Aaron and Samuel called upon His Name, and He answered them.

In many scripture verses did they cry out for help and He answered their cries. Call His Name and He will answer.

It was not only Moses, Aaron and Samuel that called on the Name of Yahuah, but Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did so too.

He spoke to them in the column of cloud; They guarded His witnesses (testimonies) and the law He gave them, He answered them, O Yahuah our Elohim.

He will also answer us if we obey and do His desire.

You were a forgiving Elohim to them, though You took vengeance on their deeds.

Moses, Aaron and Samuel also made mistakes but Abba Father forgave them after He disciplined them.

Exalt Yahuah our Elohim, and bow down towards His set-apart mountain, for Yahuah our Elohim is set-apart.

Bless His Name, He has made us and we are His, give thanks to Him.

This Psalm talks about His Name, do you know His Name and do you call out to His Name, if you do, He will answer.

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