Thursday 10 October 2019

Call unto Me

This said Yahuah who made it, Yahuah who formed it to establish it, Yahuah is His Name. Call unto Me, and I shall answer you, and show you great and inaccessible matters, which you have not known - Jeremiah 33:2-3.

Heavenly Father is telling Israel and Judah to call His Name so that He can show them His greatness.

He is asking you to, "Call unto Me, and I shall answer you." Yahuah wants His chosen children back, you and me He wants back.

In verse 5, Yahuah says He will show displeasure and His wrath, for those evil He has hidden His face.

But for those who call unto Him, He will bring relief and healing. And He shall heal them and reveal to them the riches of peace and truth - Verse 6.

How awesome, all we have to do is turn away from sin and Call unto Him. He will answer and then we must accept His calling.

HalleluYAH for He still calls.

Are you going to accept?

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