Friday 4 October 2019

Trust and Believe

Daniel's three best friends in Daniel 3:13-30, showed love, trust, belief and obedience towards Heavenly Father Yahuah even when they were told they would be thrown into a burning furnace.

Think about this, would you be prepared to go through what these three men went through.

In verse 15, the King of Babylon told these three men to kneel down and worship the gold image that the king made but if they do not obey him, they would be thrown into a burning furnace of fire.

Verse 16-17, Daniel's friends said to the king, they do not need to answer him because they know that Yahuah which they serve will save them.

Is this not true love, trust, belief and obedience!

But listen now what they say in verse 18, But if our Elohim (Almighty) whom we serve does not deliver us from this burning furnace, we still will NOT worship or be obedient to your golden image
The king was so angry that he made the furnace seven x hotter than normal and threw the three men into the furnace.

Hear now the miracle that played out in the furnace in verse 24-26, the flames did not touch the three men, not even one hair on their head was burnt.

But that was not all, with the three men a 4th person was seen in the burning furnace which is said to be our savior the Messiah Yahusha who was protecting them from burning.

Is this not amazing what our Heavenly Father can do for us if we trust Him with everything.

Are you prepared to go through a similar ordeal?

What would you do if this happened to you, would you be like the three friends of Daniel who were prepared to die for the true Living Creator, Yahuah the Almighty.

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