Thursday 7 November 2019

Beloved Father Yahuah

My greatest HONOR YAHUAH is KNOWING YOU intimately, being ONE with YOU in SPIRIT as Messiah is One with You....... my greatest PRIVILEGE is being an instrument in Your hands to proclaim and witness Your incorruptible TRUTH to those willing to receive it and apply it to their daily lives, no matter the cost.

I HUMBLE myself before You, declaring that I am NOTHING WITHOUT You, and that I can DO NOTHING WITHOUT You - everything is about You, Your reign, and Your righteousness – Everyyyyything….

Abba Father, You are my beginning (Aleph) and end (Tav), and everything in between - I LOVE You DEEPLY my First Love, desiring to please You, serving You in Spirit and Truth!

Thank you, Father, for sending Your Son the Aleph and the Tav to restore the broken covenant to give me the opportunity and privilege to talk (worship) and have a relationship with You again.

Father Yahuah, my beloved

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