Thursday 21 May 2020


Anyone doing abomination and falsehood will not enter into Yahuah's kingdom (Revelation 21:27).

All those who did not receive the love of the truth will perish. And for this reason, Elohim sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood, in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in the unrighteousness - 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

Father will give any believer over to their worldly lusts if they reject the truth.

And Yahusha (Jesus) said, "For judgement I have come into this world, that those not seeing might see, and those seeing might become blind" - John 9:39.

And He (Yahuah) said, "Go, and you shall say to this people, 'Hearing, you hear, but do not understand; and seeing, you see, but do not know.' "Make the heart of this people fat, and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and shall turn and be healed" - Isaiah 6:9-10.

What Father is saying, is He will bring a delusion to those, in this case Israel, who reject the truth, in hoping they will turn back to Him once there eyes and hears are open.

John 12:40, "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, so that they should not see with their eyes and understand with their heart, and turn, and I should heal them."

This applies to us today! If a believer is still lusting after the world instead of His will, he/she will be given over to their lust.

Father gave those who rejected the truth up to worship all falsehood, like the stars, sun, images/idols (sport & music stars, movie stars = all stars and so on) - Acts 7:42-43.

Warning to the believers! If you have given your life to Yahusha (Jesus) Messiah, then you cannot lust after the world because Father will give you over to your lust.

Romans 1:24-32 tells us what He will do: Therefore Elohim gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts, to disrespect their bodies (whore) among themselves, who changed the truth of Elohim into the falsehood, and worshipped and served what was created rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Because of this Elohim gave them over to degrading passions. For even their women exchanged natural relations for what is against nature (lesbian), and likewise, the men also, having left natural relations with woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing indecency, and receiving back the reward which was due for their straying. And even as they did not think it worth-while to possess the knowledge of Elohim, Elohim gave them over to a worthless mind, to do what is improper, having been filled with all unrighteousness, whoring, wickedness, greed, evil; filled with envy, murder, fighting, deceit, evil habits; whisperers, slanderers, haters of Elohim, insolent, proud, boasters, devises of evils, disobedient to parents, without discernment, covenant breakers, unloving, unforgiving, ruthless; who, though they know the righteousness of Elohim, that those who practice such deserve death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

May Father Yahuah's word touch each one of us to follow His truth and not to lust after the world.

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