Thursday 28 May 2020

While I live!

Praise Yah! Praise Yahuah, O my being! While I live, I praise Yahuah; I sing praises to my Elohim while I exit - Psalms 146:1-2.

Our soul (being) must praise Yahuah. We need to praise Him all the time while we are a living soul here on earth. We must give praises to Him, not only two hours on a Sunday or when we feel like it!

This must all happen while we still exist here in the flesh! It is too late, when we do not exist anymore, we are dead!

Praises must be done now!

We need to sing praises to Elohim!

Sing praises can mean by many ways; singing, worshipping, praying and lifting up our arms and thanking Him for His mercy, grace, His love and His Greatness!


Do not put your trust in princes (example governments) or in man, in whom is no deliverance - Psalms 146:3.

Yahuah heals the broken-hearted…. - Psalms 147:3.

You will not be saved if you put your trust in priests, pastors, doctors, teachers, medicine and governments which is man!

His spirit goes out, he returns to his earth; In that day his plans perish - Psalms 146:4.

When our time is up, we return to dust and Yahuah's spirit returns back to Him, then it is too late to praise Him.

We are so busy with our own plans that we forget to give praises to our Creator. 

It is going to be too late to praise Him when we die which may happen at any time.

We need to praise, worship and sing to Him now more then we give attention to our own fleshy desires!

At least 60% of our daily plans must be for Yahuah!

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