Friday 24 July 2020

Abraham's seed

Yahuah said to Abram to leave his father's family and go to a land that He will show him. Yahuah promised to bless Abram if he obeyed Him - Genesis 12:1-2.

Abram did leave - Genesis 12:5; And Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the beings whom they had acquired in Haran, and they set out for the land of Kenaan. And they came to the land of Kenaan.

Yahuah again confirmed His promise to Abram - Genesis 12:7.

Once again Yahuah confirms the promise to Abram in Genesis 13:14-17.

Yahuah again reminded Abram about His promise to him saying his seed will be as the stars in the heaven and Abram believed and obeyed Yahuah - Genesis 15:5-6.

Then Abram asked Yahuah, how do I know that Your promise will came true - Genesis 15:8.

Yahuah then instructed Abram to bring animals and they were cut in half and each half was placed opposite to each other - Genesis 15:9-10.

Father then made Abram go into a deep sleep and He confirmed once again that his seed will certainly be great - Genesis 15:12-13.

Then Yahuah made a blood covenant with Abram by passing through the offering that was cut in half. 

This covenant was agreed and confirmed by Yahuah Himself! Abram did not have to do anything to seal the covenant! Yahuah made this covenant promise to Abram.

Note the covenant conditions was on Yahuah and not Abram!

Yahuah then visits Abram at different times, and reminds Abram of His covenant with him - Genesis 17:1-12.

When Abraham's son Isaac was born, Elohim said to Sarah that the covenant with Abraham will be established with Isaac's seed - Genesis 17:19.

And once again through Abraham's obedience to Yahuah, his seed through Isaac and Jacob is blessed - Genesis 22:16-18.

Yahuah speaks to Jacob and tells him that his seed will became great - Genesis 28:13-15.

Jacob then wrestles with a man and holds on so that the man does not overcome him - Genesis 32:23-27.

Jacob's name is then changed to Israel - Genesis 32:28; And He said, “Your name is no longer called Jacob, but Israel, because you have striven with Elohim and with men, and have overcome.”

Today that promise to Abraham via Israel is gone to the four corners of the earth.

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