Thursday 9 July 2020

Profaning the Sabbath

Nehemiah 13:15, In those days I saw in Yahudah (Judah) those treading wine presses on the Sabbath, and bringing in sheaves (bundle of grain), and loading donkeys with wine, grapes, and figs, and all kinds of burdens, which they brought into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day.

So, I warned them on the day they sold food. Even other nations brought in fish and other goods, to sell to the people on Sabbath (verse 16).

The prophet Nehemiah was shocked at how the people were selling and buying on Sabbath.

Today, most believers do exactly the same, they are selling, buying and working on the Sabbath!
What would the prophet Nehemiah do if he was here today? Would he say nothing because everyone believes the Sabbath is nailed to the cross! He would be very confused if people told him Yahusha (Jesus) removed the Sabbath!

In verse 17, Nehemiah asks the priests why are they profaning the Sabbath!

What about the priests of today?

In verse 18, Nehemiah reminds them: "Did not your fathers (past generation) do the same so that our Elohim brought all this evil on us and on this city? Yet you bring added wrath on Israel by profaning the Sabbath."

How about today? Are we also doing what our forefathers did, by profaning the Sabbath! Is this not why our land is full of evil! Is it because the Sabbath is been profaned for so long now that Yahuah's patience has run out!

Nehemiah says to the people in verse 22, that they should cleanse themselves, and come to set apart the Sabbath day.

How about believers today; Are we going to cleanse ourselves and keep the Sabbath set apart (Holy) or do we first have to go through many evils and hardships before we HEAR!

Remember the Sabbath, it is Yahuah's sign!

What is the Sabbath about?

We rest in Elohim on the Sabbath! It means we spend time with Him, reading His word, praying, praising, fellow-shipping with like wise believers and giving thanks to Him. He asks us to do all our personnel things like work, entertainment and our pleasures in the six days but to give Him all our attention on the seventh day. It’s a day to refresh ourselves in Him so we are ready to tackle the next days ahead with a rested body and soul (heart).

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