Thursday 19 November 2020

The city of transgression

If you have studied your Bible, you would know that Yahuah is slow to anger and very patient with His children. Father sent prophets to His children to warn them of their wrong doings and through His prophets told the people to turn back and walk His righteous path. Many times, the Israelites would not listen to the prophets and continued with their sinning. After many years of warnings, the people would still ignore the prophets. Then Father would have no choice but to bring His wroth on them.

What had occurred in those times (Old testament) has been written down for us in the scripture so that we take note of what happened to those rebellious people and not make the same mistakes. What happened in the Old times is not just a story but it is still applicable today, warnings from Yahuah for us to turn away from sinning.

If we keep on ignoring these warnings, we will follow the same path as those rebellious Israelites of old did.

The prophet Jeremiah went about Jerusalem and warned the people of what will happen to the city if they do not turn away from their sinful living. We too must take note of Jeremiah’s warning and not be part of the cities sins we live in.

Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations 1 about the destruction of the city of Jerusalem because the people allowed sin to overtake the city. Jeremiah tells of the city been unclean, allowing adultery (whoring), people betraying each other, the feasts were not been kept, the priests allowed the temple to be defiled, wickedness was ignored, the rulers of the city became passive and greedy, the wicked were mocking the city people and many enemies were allowed to enter the city without anybody doing something.


Because of this Jeremiah was in pain and suffered for the people (verse 11-15). In verse 16, Jeremiah cried because of what happened to the city.

Then I look at our world and the sin in our cities, and see no difference! Once upon a time these cities kept the Word of Yahauh but they are becoming like the Jerusalem of old. Al sorts of sin are occurring in our cities which is against our Savour Yahusha’s (Jesus) Word.

Even so-called believers find this to be acceptable like example; prostitution, adultery, homosexuality, blaspheming, rebellious children, parents drinking/drug use, drugs sold at every corner, slander, greed, no discipline of children/grown-ups and so on.

Don’t you think at one time the cities are going to be given over to our enemies? Is this not already in progress and becoming worse every day! Is Yahusha giving us time to turn back to the will of Yahuah. Should we as believers sit back and say or do nothing or are, we supposed to warn others just like the prophets did.

Take time to study the fall of Jerusalem (read the history), it will shake your inner soul as to what those people had to go through and that all because they ignored the warnings.


The days of old coming back

I feel so sad after reading Lamentations chapter 2. This chapter is about the sins of His people, the sadness of Yahuah and Him removing of His protection from the people because of their sins.

Verse 1-2 is the wrath against the sinful people. Even the governments and leaders are been given over to their own will. In verse 2 He has withdrawn His protection from His people. Just imagine what these people had done unto Yahauh for Him to take His protection away! It must have been very bad!

O Father please let us wake-up today and turn away from our sinful living so that You do not take your protection away from us.

In verse 6-8 He has made the people forget the Sabbath rest and allowed the enemy to infiltrate the fellowship assemblies of the people.

My goodness! We have also forgotten the Sabbath rest and false doctrines have entered the assemblies.

Verses 9, the commands of Yahuah have also been forgotten. Many churches are teaching the people today that the commands are no longer required.

Verse 12-13 is talking about hunger and death that followed!

Verse 14 the prophets where not warning the people and not telling the truth.

How many pastors/priests are warning and telling the truth today. How many today is preaching words from themself and not speaking the truth from the Bible!

The priests did the same in those days and because they preached falsely, Yahuah allowed the enemies in!

Are your eyes and hears open? Can you see and hear this happening to us today! Is Yahusha allowing this to happen to our country! Does this not make you sad! I am sad!

Arise; cry out to Yahuah for mercy! Turn back to Him! Tell your friends, your family, your neighbour and whoever to turn away from sin so Yahusha can heal us and our land.

A lesson to be learned

Do we learn from history or do we keep on making mistakes from the passed! The prophet Jeremiah tells us about the destruction of Jerusalem in the book of Lamentations due to the sins of the city.

Does history repeat itself? In most causes it does because people do not learn from the previous generation mistakes.

If you are a believer in Yahusha then you need to take note of the people of Yahuah and their history!

Today as believers we need to read our scripture of the past mistakes the believers made and not repeat them.

Many believers today are taught that Yahusha took all the sins upon Him and now we can carry on sinning once we have repented as He carries the sins we do every time. We are under the impression we can keep on sinning without any consequences of the sins we do.

Yahusha has been there from the beginning of time, He does not change! He is not like a chameleon that changes colour when He is in a different place or times.


When I read Lamentations 5:1-18, I wonder if we are going through the same things as what Jerusalem went through: land and houses been given over to strangers (verse 2), children are orphans, having no father and mothers are alone (verse 3), we are paying for water to drink (verse 4), we have pressure from work and we work without rest (verse 5) and we get help (food) from other countries to feed ourselves (verse 6). Strangers are ruling us, food is overpriced, and heat/drought is becoming worse (verse 8-10). Murder is becoming rampant and elders are no longer been respected (verse 12). Has our joy ceased, are we sadder then dancing? Have we become a nation of sickness and is our land becoming a waste (verse 15-18)? Or is our Heavenly Father the Creator of all still our Almighty God! Is He still our First Love!


Jeremiah asks Father in verse 20-22, if He has forgotten them and he asks Father to turn them back to Him so they can worship Him like in the old days.

Have You completely rejected us; the prophet asks?

My fellow believer, please take note of history so we do not make the same mistakes.

Repent and turn back to Yahuah through Yahusha (Jesus).  

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