Thursday 24 December 2020

Hypocrisy and insincerity

Ananias and his wife Sapphira accepted Yahusha (Jesus) the Messiah and decided to sell their property and follow the disciples – Acts 5:1.

Both Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead within a few days of each other – Acts 5:5 & 10.

Why did they die and what should we learn from this incident?

They both told the disciples they were going to sell their possessions and give all the money they made from the possessions to Yahuah.

Instead of giving all the money for Yahuah as they said they would, Ananias with his wife’s approval gave a portion to the disciples and kept a portion for themselves – Acts 5:2.

Peter asked Ananias (Acts 5:3) and Sapphira (Acts 5:9) why did they lie and tested the Set Apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) of Yahuah.

Peter said to Ananias (Acts 5:4) the possessions and the money they made from selling their possessions were theirs to keep in the first place and nobody not even Yahuah asked them to give it up.


So why did they confess they would give all to Yahuah but only gave a portion when it came time to give! Peter said to him that he did not lie to them but actually he lied to Heavenly Father. His heart was not pure towards Yahuah.

It is true that Ananias “had” attempted to deceive the disciples and it is true, also, that this was a crime; but still, the principal magnitude of the offence was that he had attempted to deceive “Yahuah.”

He committed a small crime against “men” but the great crime was attempting to deceive Heavenly Father that was brought fully into view. This crime was against Yahuah as they devoted it to Him.

They then attempted to deceive Him.


We may ask why were they punished so severe, and the answer may be as follows:

1) It was committed knowingly, and without excuse.

2) Yahuah has often, in a most solemn manner, shown his abhorrence of hypocrisy and insincerity. The lesson for us is:

a) Yahuah searches our heart and He knows what is going on in our hearts.

b) Yahuah judges the motives of people’s hearts.

c) Yahuah will show out hidden sin.

d) Fraud and hypocrisy will be detected in this life for all to see.

e) Sinners should fear and tremble before Yahuah.

He holds their breath in his hands. He can cut them down in an instant. The bold blasphemer, the unjust man, the liar, the scoffer, he can destroy in a moment, and sink them in all the woes of hell.

Yahuah punished them after Yahusha the Messiah was resurrected, so why do we think He will not do it still today.

Take note and fear His wrath because He does not change!


If you make a commitment to Yahuah, then make sure your heart is right as He will search your heart and He will know if there is hypocrisy or insincerity in your heart.

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