Thursday 31 December 2020

Molech and the star of remphan worship - yesterday and today


And you took up the tent of molech (molek or Moloch) and the star of your mighty one (god) remphan (Kiyyun), images (figures) which you made to bow before them – Acts 7:43.


Humans have always been worshipping idols even in the time of the Israelites when they were walking in the wilderness with the presence of Heavenly Father.

Today we are still worshipping idols, many doing it unknowingly and many doing it openly. This includes so-called believers or Christians that have idols they unknowingly worshipping.

Who is molech and remphan that Stephen is saying the people are worshipping?

The combination of mlk, melekh, and bosheth results in “Moloch,” which could be interpreted as “the personified ruler of shameful sacrifice.” It has also been spelled Milcom, Milkim, Malik, and Moloch. In addition to sexual rituals, Moloch worship included child sacrifice, or “passing children through the fire.”

It is believed that idols of Moloch were giant metal statues of a man with a bull’s head. Each image had a hole in the abdomen and possibly outstretched forearms that made a kind of ramp to the hole. A fire was lit in or around the statue. Babies were placed in the statue’s arms or in the hole. When a couple sacrificed their firstborn, they believed that Moloch would ensure financial prosperity for the family and future children. In North Africa, Moloch was renamed “Kronos.” Kronos migrated to Carthage in Greece, and his mythology grew to include his becoming a Titan and the father of Zeus.

Yahuah (Heavenly Father) warned them not to participate in Moloch worship (Leviticus 18:21) and repeatedly told them to destroy those cultures that worshiped Moloch.

The Israelites didn’t heed Father’s warnings. Instead, they incorporated Moloch worship into their own traditions.

Even Solomon, the wisest king, was swayed by this cult and built places of worship for Moloch and other gods (1 Kings 11:1–8).


Moloch worship occurred in the “high places” (1 Kings 12:31) as well as a narrow ravine outside Jerusalem called the Valley of Hinnom (2 Kings 23:10). This worship was phrased "pass through the fire to Molech," that children were made to pass between two lines of fire as a kind of consecration.

The prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah condemned them of killing and burning of their children.

The ancient city of Carthage was the capital of the Phoenician empire. Their civilization was advanced culturally and highly educated. Archaeological expeditions have revealed its most notable feature - the high incidence of child sacrifice. Archaeological relics have been uncovered, such as the altars on which children were sacrificed and stone markers, which marked the burial place of the remains. Stone carvings on the markers depict children who were sacrificed. Clay jars were used to hold the remains. Entire burial grounds full of these slaughtered children have been uncovered.

This is barbaric, but this is precisely what we are doing through abortion. With one obvious exception - today we don't honour or bury the children we kill.

Today Moloch is given another name, abortion and child trafficking.

Yahuah is not mocked.

We have to ask ourselves: How far are we from a judgment for our own abortion holocaust?

Witchcraft (demon) is linked to rebellion - specifically, rebellion against Yahuah's authority. This can be heard in the feminist chant: "Not the church, not the state, women must decide our fate!" Or they say “This is my right, no one can stop me from doing whatever I want with my body!” Abortion: the moral equivalent of ancient child sacrifice. Like Molech worship, abortion is a sacrifice. 

Any woman who aborts her child sacrifices it to whatever she considers more important: a college degree, her career, family approval, not wanting to care for a child, looking good in a bikini that summer - whatever.

A true story: a crisis pregnancy centre was visited by a Christian girl who was disappointed to find out she was pregnant. The centre tried to help the girl, who was set to have twins – offering free medical care and services for her and her babies’ needs – so that she would choose life for her babies. But the problem was her due date. Rather than miss a cruise for which she had booked tickets, she chose to abort.

The babies are no longer sacrificed on the altars of the ancient gods Molech and Baal. Instead, they are sacrificed on the altars of convenience or material benefits.

Yahusha spoke to the church of Thyatira about another Jezebel: "But I have one thing against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess and she teaches and leads my bond servants astray so that they commit acts of immortality and eat things sacrificed to idols" (Revelation 2:20).


Truly, we are today that church of Thyatira and Jezebel (Feminism). It’s no coincidence that abortion and can in a way include child trafficking - today's form of child sacrifice - came right along with it. Through abortion, we have followed precisely the same slippery slope to destruction. In fact, we are already there.

Ezekiel 16:20 gives us even further evidence of our guilt today. "Moreover, you took your sons and daughters which you bore unto me and you sacrificed them to idols to be devoured."

The scripture provides a model for our response to child sacrifice in our era. The Old Testament is not just a collection of stories, but provides temporal examples of what we must accomplish in the spiritual realm. We need to follow Yahusha into the Promised Land, and as He commanded Moses and Joshua before so to should we presently, destroy all idolatry.

Psalm 106:1-4 Praise Yah! Oh, give thanks to Yahuah, for He is good! For His kindness is everlasting. Who does relate the mighty acts of Yahuah?

Or declare all His praise?

Blessed are those who guard right-ruling, who do righteousness at all times! Remember me, O Yahauh, in the acceptance of Your people; visit me with Your deliverance (save).

Children are a gift from Yahuah.

And you took up the tent of molech (molek or Moloch) and the star of your mighty one (god) remphan, images (figures) which you made to bow before them – Acts 7:43.

Today, remphan is still worshipped as an idol, many doing it unknowingly and many doing it openly. Who or what is remphan that Stephen is saying the people are worshipping?

I must be honest, writing this message was not easy as my research was difficult and confusing at times. Finding the history of the star of remphan led too many different paths and not to mention what this star represents today or how it is worshipped.

Remphan has many names in different cultures; Rephan (pedestal-Riyphun), Kijun, kiyyun, Chiun, Chi-un, rompha, remfan, renpu (rempu), ken (khem) and Ramadan (muslims). This all leads to the planet Saturn/Saturnalia (star or planet worship)!

The star of Saturn was/is in the shape of a hexagram. The hexagram has six sides which is shaped like a star. Some researchers have mentioned this to be the Star of David or the seal of Solomon. The state of Israel’s flag has a hexagram symbol and many say this is the Star of David. Is the hexagram (six-pointed star) the star of remphan? There is no clear evidence from my research but what I could pick up is that it ties up to Saturn (satan) worship.

King Solomon sadly fell into idolatry worship in his latter days as king. Many states “Solomon’s seal” is in a shape of a hexagram. Again, this could not be proven!

We know King Solomon was deeply involved in witchcraft, he built many altars for false worship and practiced Moloch rituals. Read 2 Kings 23:13 of King Solomon building the altars.


1 King 10:14 and the weight of the gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold.

Revelation 13:18 here is wisdom: Let him who has understanding compute the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty-six. Six is the number of man and 666 shows man's government in rebellion to Heavenly Father.

One thing I am completely sure of, and that is nowhere in scripture (bible) does the word “star of David” come up or even mentions that David had a star type symbol.

If the symbol on the state of Israel’s flag is called the star of David then I must ask the question, where in scripture is this mentioned.

I do not believe this symbol is got anything to do with Yahuah or that David had a symbol in a shape of a star or in fact that he had anything as a symbol. My research has shown that the hexagram shape is in fact from satan. The devil worshippers all use this symbol.

Is this symbol the star of remphan? I cannot say it for sure! Remphan (Chiun) is the name of an idol worshipped secretly by the Israelites in the wilderness and Stephen knew it was still done in his time.

I have no doubt that it is still practiced today but it is still done in secret and in hidden symbols.

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