Thursday 18 February 2021

The only true Creator


Not knowing then whom you worship, I make Him known to you: “Yahuah (Heavenly Father), who made the world and all that is in it, this One being Master of heaven and earth… – Paul said this to the people in Rome who were worshipping an unknown false god – Acts 17:23-24.

In the same verse Paul says, the Almighty does not dwell in dwellings made with hands (buildings made by man).


Acts 7:48-50 “However, the Most High does not dwell in dwellings made with hands, as the prophet says: ‘The heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. What house shall you build for Me? Says Yahuah, or what is the place of My rest? ‘Has My hand not made all these?’

Paul is speaking directly out of the Old Testament. Listen careful to what Paul is saying! Keep in mind Paul is speaking these words after the Messiah has ascended to heaven, so Paul and we are in the same situation which is that Yahusha (Jesus) no longer is on earth.



Many believers are under the impression Yahuah is only to be found at a building made by man called a church. Be it Methodist Church, NG Kerk, Baptist church and so on, this is where believers go every Sunday for a few hours and spend time with the Almighty. This is how I grew up thinking: That we only worship Him 2 hours on a Sunday morning at a building called the church. The rest of the time we do what we want to, until the next Sunday when we again go to a building to listen and praise Him.

In this time, we put on our best clothes, the best make-up, hair is done up and we make sure our car is spotless clean.

Paul said, “Men of Athens (town in Rome), I see that you are very religious in every matter –Acts 17:22. If Paul was here today, he would say the same thing! “You guys are very religious in how you are worshipping.”

It is not wrong to get together with other believers in a building to fellowship and praise the Almighty; in fact, scripture (Bible) instructs us to fellowship with other believers. But to go to a place that is called the Methodist or any other Church and think this is where the Almighty dwells only, then you are mistaken to the truth.

Paul is telling you the Almighty is not dwelling in a brick building made by man’s hands.

What I am trying to tell you is this: Once you have accepted Yahusha, repented of your sins, now walking in His path and bearing true fruit – the Almighty comes to you through His Spirit (Holy Spirit) and dwells in you – you are the church made by the Almighty Creator’s hands.

This is what Paul and the prophets from the Old Testament are telling us; the Almighty dwells in our body (church) which is made by the Creator Himself, created by His hands.

Many Christians today are still following the same pattern as the Romans did in Paul’s time. They follow a religion.

You as the church have a relationship with the Almighty and you worship Him every day, every second of your life.

Your life and ways are with the Creator who made you.

Here is a warning to those who confess they are believers: Anyone who is living a double life by confessing to be a believer in Yahusha but on the other hand, lives a life of drinking, cursing, drug using, watching bad movies or listening to demonic music, not having forgiveness, been prideful and so on, must know the Holy Spirit will not dwell in you because Yahuah says: there where wickedness (unclean) is there He is not.

I lived like this as a young man, listen to rock music, watch movies with nakedness, blasphemy and cursing, and worship sport and then told everyone I am a believer. Praise Father, by His mercy, I have repented of these things and now trying to walk in His path.

We all make these mistakes but we must return to Father and obey Him.

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