Thursday 4 February 2021

Worship of men


To whom are we giving the glory – to the Creator or to men?

Many may say they are worshipping the Creator but many are unknowingly giving indirectly glory to man.

Simple example: Watching a superman movie and all the wonders this man does brings indirect glory to man even if just a movie. After the movie you may say to your friend “wow, did you see how he saved the world.” Indirectly without you knowing it you are saying there is no Creator. You may say; well, I know it is not true but there are kids that do not think this way and even adults!

Look what happen to Paul in Acts 14:8-15 when a cripple was healed! When the people saw this happen, they started to worship Paul and Barnabas – verse 12.

They even called them the Greek gods – zeus and hermes. The priests of these false gods wanted to offer a sacrifice to them – verse 13.


Today these same false gods are worship by means of statues, movie heroes, and comic book heroes (some of the names are changed to hide their identity). People are blinded and do not realize what they are enjoying watching on TV or in the movies.

Hear what Paul says to those people which is applicable for us today. Firstly, he says how could you worship us as we are normal people just like you but you should worship the Creator as He made heaven and earth – verse 15.

Then in verse 16-17 Paul says: Heavenly Father allowed past generations to walk in their own ways even though He gave witnesses and doing good to them - giving rain, make farm crops bear fruit, giving food/water and health.

In Matthew 5:45 it says: Father makes the sun come up on the wicked and the good, He sends rain to the good and to the bad.


Why would Father do this?

Why for all, good or bad? It is because many people do not know Him and He shows kindness, loving, patience and long suffering to them, even to those that are taught wrongly by false priests/pastors He shows this patience.

But did these people listen to Paul! No, they still did not believe what Paul told them – verse 18. What many do not realize; after many warnings Father’s patience runs out and judgment follows.

When this happens, many do not understand why this is occurring but if you read the Bible you will notice this happened to the Israelites at various times.

Yahusha (Jesus) in the gospels warns us regarding wilful sinning. Yahuah only allows this to continue for a certain period of time, until His patience is up, then Judgment comes – Acts 17:30-31, “Truly, then, having overlooked these times of ignorance, Elohim now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has set a day on which He is going to judge the world in righteousness by a Man whom He has appointed, having given proof of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”

We serve a loving Heavenly Father but at one point Father draws the line. He has given us His Word the Messiah, He has given us His Spirit (Holy Spirit) and He has given us the prophets/apostles who have given the scriptures (Bible) for us to know Him.

We do not have any excesses but to worship Him in truth. If we love Him, we will obey Him and if we what to know Him, He will reveal Himself to us.

Sit back and think deeply as to what you are watching on TV/ the movies. Is it horror, sex, drugs, super heroes (idols), drinking and bad language? Is this your lifestyle! If you call yourself a Christian but you are watching this bad movies/TV, then what believer are you.

Pastors may have told you Jesus loves you no matter what you do, good or bad. Or they told you Jesus knows we cannot stop sinning therefore He will still accept us even when we continue sinning. This is wrong, you have not been told all the truth!

Read Acts 17:30-31 for yourself - He commands us to repent. It is a command for all!

What is repentance – to turn away from sin and never to turn back to it!


Judgment comes to those that do not obey.

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