Thursday 6 May 2021

Isaiah forgiven


Isaiah the prophet had a vision of the greatness of Yahuah in Isaiah 6:1-4.

Was this Yahusha (Jesus) sitting on His throne that Isaiah saw in his vision?

And many Angels around Him were shouting out "Set-apart, set-apart, set apart is Yahuah!" Other words the Almighty Creator is Holy, Holy, Holy!

Do we understand “Holiness!”

Now remember Isaiah was a chosen prophet by Yahuah, because Isaiah walked the path of the Heavenly Father.

When Isaiah saw the Almighty sitting on His throne in this vision (I believe Isaiah saw Yahusha) and the angels saying He is Holy, he immediately realized that his life was not as clean as he thought it was.

Isaiah recognizes the words from his mouth (unclean lips - sin) is not pure and also the people around him had unclean lips (sin) - verse 5.


Why did Isaiah know that his words from his mouth was still in sin? It was because he came face to face with the Most High and saw the glory of the Holy One - the pureness of Him.

This is what happened next; An angel flew to Isaiah with a hot coal and touched the mouth of Isaiah with the coal and said to him, your sins (unclean lips) are been removed and been forgiven - verse 6-7.


Isaiah repented of his sin and he was forgiven.

Is this any different from what we need to do today!

Yahuah asks the following "Whom do I send, and who would go for Us?" Take note of the word “Us.”

Isaiah stuck his hand up and said "Here am I! Send me" - verse 8.


After this event, Isaiah became a mouth piece (prophet) for Yahuah.

Can you imagine what Isaiah must has seen that changed his whole life.

To you and me as believers the question is? Are the words we speak from our lips still in sin!

Let's look at ourselves and make sure whatever comes out of our mouth, that it is clean and good words.

Once we understand how Set-apart (Holy) the Almighty is, will we understand what it takes to walk in His path.

In His Words only!

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