Thursday 15 July 2021

Yah is Salvation - Isaiah 12


Isaiah 12 is one powerful prophesy that referred to the Messiah who would save His people in the future.

Verse 1, "I thank You Yahuah, though You were angry with me, Your anger has turned back, and You comforted me.

We have been in this situation when Yahuah was not happy with us because of our sins. Then repentance follows and Yahuah forgives us and He comforts us.

In verse 2 the Messiah is shown to those who know the truth as normal church going Christian would not see; His Name! Many of us do not know the ancient language because we were not taught the Hebrew language and therefore, we would not know or find His Name.

This is what a Christian would see in his/her KJV Bible: Behold, God is my salvation.

In the ISR Bible: See, El is my deliverance (salvation),.. or El is my salvation which in Hebrew will be something like Yah is salvation. El means Mighty One or Strength.

Exodus 15:2 “Yah is my strength and song, and He has become my deliverance. He is my El, and I praise Him – Elohim of my father,and I exalt Him.

Psalm 118:14 Yah is my strength and song, and He has become my deliverance (salvation).

A psalm, prophesying about Messiah to come, the Saviour (Deliverer) of Yah.


Salvation (save) in ancient Hebrew is "sha" (H-3467) or "shua," (H-7769) which is Yahu-sha or Yah-shua and in modern Hebrew (with vowel points added) it is 'Yeshua' (H3091) which means He saves.


The Creator has a Name.

Adam, Moses, Abraham, Jacob, David and all the prophets knew the Creator's Name.

When Yahusha was on earth He was the exact representation of Yahuah the Father, not the same being, although they have the same spirit.

From my research, I have found that Yahusha (Yah-saves) is the most accurate transliteration of the ancient language for the Messiah's Name.

I may not have gotten His Name completely right but I’m trying too. What is important is that Yah saves or deliverers.

1 comment:

  1. This is why ELOHIM told them, and us, to learn to speak in tongues. Other languages. What is taught by saying gibberish? What is learned from gibberish? So much more knowledge is learned from the true language Ibri. That is why the beast wanted the scrolls changed to latin and only latin. Very good teaching and learning and sharing friend.
