Thursday 1 July 2021

Song of thanksgiving - Isaiah 12

Isaiah 12, And in that day you shall say, “I thank You Yahuah, though You were enraged with me, Your displeasure has turned back, and You have comforted me.

“See, El is my deliverance (salvation), I trust and am not afraid. For Yah, Yahuah, is my strength and my song; and He has become my deliverance (salvation).” And you shall draw water with joy from the fountains of deliverance (salvation).

And in that day you shall say, “Praise Yahuah, call upon His Name; make known His deeds among the peoples, make mention that His Name is exalted.“Sing to Yahuah, for He has done excellently;this is known in all the earth.

“Cry aloud and shout, O inhabitant of Tsiyon, for great is the Set-apart One of Israel in your midst!”

This is a song of thanksgiving! A song of forgiveness! A song of the Almighty saving us! A song of His great Name!


Exodus 15:2“Yah is my strength and song, and He has become my deliverance. He is my El (Almighty),and I praise Him – Elohim of my father,and I exalt Him.

This prophetic phrase is repeated in Psalm 118:14 and again in Isaiah 12:2.


In both these latter two places one might see it as a Messianic prophecy of the Messiah to come: the Yahu-Sha of Yah – giving us an indication of Messiah’s Name and what His Name means!

Psalm 118:14 Yah is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.


Psalm 118 is a great psalm, prophesying about Messiah to come, the Saviour (Deliverer) of Yah.

This Psalm about Yahusha (Jesus) precedes the Psalm about the law, Psalm 119,for unless we are first declared righteous through belief in Him, we would have difficulty in saying, “Oh how I love Your teaching!” (Psalm 119:97).

We have to exult the Name of Yahuah, to sing to His Name, to raise His Name, to glorify His Name.

How could one do this without knowing what His true Name is?

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