Wednesday 18 August 2021

World control

We know that there is good and there is bad! We know that the Heavenly Father (Yahuah) is supreme and in complete control of what He created here on earth and the whole universe.

This message continues on from my previous message where satan said to Messiah, he the wicked one will give the world to Messiah if He worships him.

It is true, the world and its system are under the control of the wicked one.

Why? Because mankind chose to obey satan rather than the Most High, back in the Garden of Eden. Ever since “all are under sin,” and “all have sinned’’- Romans 3:9

What then? Have we the superiority, when we have before decided as to both Jews and Gentiles, that all of them are under sin?


Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of Yahuah,... According to Galatians 3:22 all mankind has been shut up (imprisoned) by sin.

Satan says in Luke 4:5-6 that all the reigns (kingdoms) of the world have been delivered to him, Satan!

In 1 John 5:19 we read that “all the world lies in the wicked one,” meaning: all the world lies under the control of the wicked one!

Wow! Is this news to you? What do you think, is this true? If you sit down and think about this carefully and be honest, then the answer must be "true!"


So, what now? Are you free or in bondage?

But Yahuah always had a plan for freedom.

We have a choice to be in bondage to satan or to be free to Yahusha. It is our choice!

The Almighty (Elohim) has never and will never force us into doing His will. We have a free will! He has given us that free will.

Yahuah first started calling out people from this world of sin, out from under this sinful reign (Amos 9:8), calling them out to become His people, to come under His rule. He did this in a special way when He sent His Son Yahusha to establish the kingdom of Yahuah here on earth. Almost all of His people rejected Him, and the reign of Elohim (Almighty) was held in temporary suspension – until Yahusha comes again and physically sets up His Father’s reign (kingdom) here on earth.


In Revelation 18:4 Yahusha is saying to us again after many other times to “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues."

Are you and I listening to His warning and have we come out of satan's system or are we physically and spiritually lukewarm to His Word?

Let it not be!


Yahusha is the perfect representative of the reign of Elohim (Luke 17:21), and He lives in the hearts and lives of those who have been born again.

Therefore, His reign is here now in a Spiritual way. It is only going to be physically set up when He returns! “Come out of her, people." 

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