Thursday 30 December 2021

Inherit the promises through belief and patience

Hebrews 6: with belief and patience do we receive the promises made by Yahuah.


Once we received the basic words from Messiah and living them, Yahuah asks us to move on to perfection (completion) as He is perfect. Other words from the elementary words (milk or baby food) we grow into the truth (solid food or adult food) and we walk in completion -Hebrew 6:1-2 / Matthew 5:48.

Yahuah told Abram to walk with Him and be perfect – Genesis 17:1. According to the scripture Abraham got it right to be in perfection and Yahuah called Abraham His friend and blessed him many times.

So, is it only Abraham that can walk perfectly in Yahuah’s ways or can anyone else? The following verses tells us: Psalm 119:1; Blessed are the perfect in the way, who walk in the teaching of Yahuah/Yahusha! 1John 2:5 But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Elohim has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 1 John 3:24 And the one guarding His commands stays in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He stays in us, by the Spirit which He gave us.


Here is the trick: If Elohim permits, then only can we become perfect. Other words by His Spirit (Ruach) can we become complete -Hebrew 6:3.

By todays standard it seems impossible, in fact today’s teachers tell us it is impossible! Then my question is why did Yahuah make Abraham, Moses, John and others perfect in His way but we are told nobody today can be perfect? Yahusha could not have changed this because John spoke these words after Yahusha departed.

So why can’t we be perfected in these times or are we been lied too by false teachers or maybe the problem lies with us?

Let me remind you what Psalm 119:1 says: Blessed are the perfect in the way, who walk in the teaching of Yahuah!

If I understand this verse correctly it says: if I walk in His teachings, I will become perfect and then I will be blessed.

It makes sense as Abraham, Moses and John walked in His ways, made perfect and we know they had many blessings.

Heavenly gift

The next few verses are hard on the ear and I have heard very few teachers speak on these words. Many try avoid speaking about these verses as they are hard and straight forward – Hebrews 6:4-8.

It would be impossible for those to be renewed to repentance again who decide to turn away and walk in wickedness after been enlightened by Yahuah, giving them gifts, receiving the good Word and the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit.

For they crucify the Son of Yahuah a second time, and put Him to open shame.

If you do not know the truth, then Yahuah can judge your heart and intention on judgment day, but if you have received the truth and His Set apart (Holy) Spirit and you willingly turn back to your old ways, then your heart is hardened by sin and you would not be able to repent and therefore be lost forever.


In Hebrews 10:26-31 it says if we sin purposely after we received the truth, there will no longer be a blood covering for sins but a fierce judgement. This is blasphemy of the Spirit which there is no repentance from. Verse 29, How much worse punishment do you think shall he deserve who has trampled the Son of Elohim (Messiah Yahusha) underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was set apart as common, and insulted the Spirit of favour?

Important to note; this type of sinning is in contrast with sinning ignorantly. There is different between sinning purposely and sinning by mistake. Hebrews 9:7 But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for sins of ignorance of the people…… In Genesis 15:15-31 it speaks of sinning by mistake and sinning purposely.

Hebrews 6:7-8 tells us more clearly the difference between a true believer and a so-called believer; the true believer receives the living Word and bears good fruit whereby the so-called believer (lukewarm) only bears thorns and thistles.

The good fruit bearer receives blessing and more whereby the bad fruit bearer is pulled out and burned. Read Mark 4:3-34, of the parable of the sower, and others describing the true and false believers.

Friday 24 December 2021

In the Father’s Name


1)David prophesied of someone who will come in the Name of Yahuah (Pslam 118:26).

2)Then when a man come into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, the people shouted “Hoshia-na to the Son of David! Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of Yahuah! Hoshia-na in the highest!” (Matthew 21:9)

3)Then much later on the Messiah said; for I say to you, from now on you shall by no means see Me, until you say, ‘Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of Yahuah!’” (Matthew 23:39).


4)Messiah also said “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me... (John 5:43)

5)Remember David said someone will come in the Name of Yahuah and the Messiah said He come in His Father’s Name. So, we know the one that came riding in on a donkey is the one David spoke about as the people shouted out the exact words that David prophesied. They knew who He was!

6)After He said He came in His Father’s Name, He said the following; You do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, you will receive that one. (John 5:43).

7)Messiah is saying someone is going to come in another name and everyone will receive him.

Has that someone already come? Have the majority accepted him “in his own name?” Messiah warned about this!

Think about this for a moment;

Majority people today do not bless Him who came in the Father’s Name!

Because people are not calling the Father by His Name, the majority do not call the Messiah by His Name and therefore if I do understand correctly, the Messiah said He will not be coming again the second time until all believers say; ‘Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of Yahuah!’

What is His Name, and what is His Son’s Name, … (Proverbs 30:4)?

Thursday 16 December 2021

If one does not repent!


Please let the evil of the wrong be ended, and You establish the righteous…….

If one does not repent! Be then prepared as….

He sharpens His sword, He bends His bow and makes it ready, and He has prepared for Himself instruments of death, He makes His arrows hot for pursuers.


See, he who is bound with wickedness, and has conceived trouble and brought forth falsehood, He has made a pit and dug it out, and falls into the ditch he made!

His trouble turns back upon his own head, and his wrongdoing comes down on the top of his head.

Elohim is a righteous judge.

My shield is upon Elohim, Who saves the upright in heart.

I give thanks to Yahuah according to His righteousness, and praise the Name of Yahuah Most High.

Do not call upon another elohim by name; it shall not be heard from your mouth.

Repent, or be judged by the righteous One.


Psalm 7:9, 12-16, 11, 10, 17.

Exodus 23:13.

Turn away from evil.

Thursday 9 December 2021



How far have people been brainwashed by the so-called democracy system.

Fear is seen in eyes or you hear the fear in their voices of people I have come into contact or spoken to in these last weeks - family, friends, work colleges and strangers.

I can understand those who do not believe in a Creator to have fear but should there be fear in a believer.

Does the bible not say we should only fear the Almighty?


Satan and his followers have infiltrated all parts of society right down to all sectors.

Sodom and Gomorra are no longer just two cities but it’s the world, including many who believe.

The Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is been mocked openly and most are blinded or brainwashed to not see this.

Many are taught that the Almighty has now accepted the lifestyle of Sodom and Gomorra.

The One I serve has no darkness in Him and His creation is made perfectly.

Hope drives us forward or let me say it this way; faith drives us forward.

What is “Hope?” It actually means nothing but wind.

Does faith or trust not carry value!


How does this sound: I hope it rains next week? And now this: I trust it will rain next week. Does it carry the same meaning?

None believers hope but don’t believers’ trust.

Remember how Daniel for example placed all his trust (faith) in the Almighty Father when he was under attack.

He did not hope, he trusted!

Not to mention all the other victories we read in the scriptures of believers who placed their faith in the Almighty.

People are falling away from truth at an alarming rate and many cannot see what is going on around them. Worldly fear is blinding them.

They look to a person, a government or some system/group of people who will turn the tables.


People don’t understand prophesy spoken by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel etc., as they spoke of the wrong doings of Israel, the warnings they received and the judgement that finally came upon them.

These prophesies are for us today as well and they warn us what will happen if we ignore them and continue in sin.

Prophesy is been left for us to read so we can avoid falling into the same trap the people did in those times.

Those of us who have received truth need to sound the alarm as we are called to be priests or to be watchmen in these times.

There is no new prophesy, all prophesy till Revelations has been releveled for all generations.

The enemy is here to steal, deceive, destroy and bring fear into people’s hearts.

Many are falling for his tricks even those who are truly believers.

Watch out my friend, be awake at all times, do not slumber.

Be a priest, be watchmen.

Can you see the picture unfolding right before us!

Don’t hope, place your trust in the One that is the beginning and is the end – the Aleph and the Tav.

Thursday 2 December 2021

Forget our children

“My people have perished for lack of knowledge.

What knowledge is Father speaking about.

This knowledge is knowing Him. It is knowledge to life, a relationship of life with Him. This knowledge is the understanding of who Elohim is, His character, His commands, His teachings and His Name. Knowledge is to know the Aleph and the Tau, the beginning and the end. This knowledge is given to you because your desire is to know Him and to walk with Him. This knowledge is given in stages of your growth, by your desire to walk and to come closer to Him.

Many receive the true knowledge but become lukewarm after a while. Only a remnant desires for more knowledge until the end.


You cannot buy this knowledge. Man cannot give you this knowledge. You cannot receive a degree, diploma or even a certificate of attendance for this knowledge. Many have head knowledge but not His knowledge.

You can study the scriptures or the Torah yearly and still not have knowledge, His knowledge.

Yahuah says His people die of lack of knowledge. The Knowledge that comes from Him.

Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me.

Is Father speaking to the lukewarm, the ones that turned away after receiving knowledge. Because of His rejection they no longer are called His people.

Since you have forgotten the Torah/commands/teachings of your Elohim, I also forget your children.

This is scary stuff! The Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) has and will again reject His people’s children because they have rejected His knowledge. This is very scary.

“As they were increased, so they sinned against Me. My esteem they have changed into shame.

All through history we see this happening with Israel. They are like the sand of the sea but only a remnant has His knowledge which they hold on to and desire more.

The cycle is still continuing today. Yahuah even sent His son in the flesh to retore the knowledge of His Father but still only a remnant will accept and be saved. The path is narrow and only a few find it. The remnant finds it.


Please take this seriously my friend. We cannot do this in our own esteem, no matter how hard you try. This knowledge can only be given through Yahusha Messiah the living Word and the Spirit of Yahuah. There is no other way.

Hoshea 4:6-7“My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children.“As they were increased, so they sinned against Me. My esteem they have changed into shame.